Ch 26

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1 week later...

Carrie on the phone with her mom..

Carrie: hey mom so what time is your flight?

Carol: at 2 so we'll probably be there at 4

Carrie: ok we'll be waiting for you guys at the airport! Love you bye!

Carol and Stephan were now moving to Nashville. Oklahoma was in tornado season so it was best for them to move out as soon as possible. All of there stuff was already shipped here to Carrie's old house.

Carrie went back upstairs to her bedroom. Brad and Isaiah were both still asleep on the bed. Carrie was her underwear and in one of Brad's t-shirts. She gave them a kiss each on the cheek and then walked back downstairs to cook breakfast. She put on some dance music on a bluetooth speaker that they had on the kitchen counter. She began to dance when she suddenly heard Brad whistle at her which immediately made her blush. Brad came down with no shirt, a pair of black joggers, and Isaiah on his chest.

Brad: mommy does know how to dance sexy huh Isaiah!😂😂

Carrie: really Brad!

He walked towards her and and gave her a kiss.

Carrie: are Huck and Jasper awake?

Brad: no! They slept like 3am.

Carrie: I told you not to let them watch movies that late!

Brad: but I was watching them too

Carrie: I sometimes don't know if I'm taking care 3 or 4 children!

Brad: your saying I'm a child!

Carrie: um sometimes!

Brad: well am I your favorite child?

Carrie: Brad I don't have a favorite child!

Brad: just kidding! Do you need help in anything?

Carrie: um actually watch these eggs while I go and change!

Brad: sure thing!

Carrie then headed towards the stairs while Brad turned and watched her leave.

Brad: hey!

Carrie: what!

Brad: nice butt!

Carrie: Brad!!!!!

Brad: what! I can't help it!😂😂

Carrie: ugh! She ran upstairs to change.

Brad finished cooking the eggs, he set them in 4 plates. He then sat Isaiah in his swing, Brad then sat it down on the table. He began to feed Isaiah while eating some of his omelet.
Carrie then came down with Huck and Jasper. "Morning daddy! Morning little Isaiah!," they both said.

Carrie: boys go and sit down while I give you guys some juice.

Carrie poured them some orange juice and then handed them. She then sat down to eat. Isaiah quickly fell asleep which gave Brad a chance to finish his breakfast. They all began to talk and joke until Brad's phone rang. He looked at it and answered while walking towards the door. After a couple minutes he came back with a sad/mad face.

Carrie: who was that?

Brad: Bill, we were talking about the tour.

Carrie: whats wrong? You look different!

Brad: oh nothing! I'm okay!

They continued to eat for about 10 minutes. Brad helped Carrie clean up while Huck and Jasper went to shower.
"Brad what's wrong?," Carrie said.

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