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"Hurry Brad please hurry!!" Carrie thought. She tried to call Mike again but no answer. Then she heard her front door open.

Brad: Carrie!!!! Where are you!!!

Carrie: Brad!! I'm over here hurry!!!

He ran in and saw Carrie on the bed in her pajamas.

Carrie: Brad! My water broke!!

Brad: here let me take you to the car!

He picked her up bridal style and took her to hIs car. Carrie had her hands around his neck with her face into his chest. "Brad you smell so good", she thought.
He tied her up in the passenger side and leaned her seat all the way back.

Carrie: Brad! Can you get get my suitcase, its in the room in the far corner!

He ran back inside the house to Carrie's room downstairs. He grabbed a purple suitcase and took off running. He set it in the back seat and then hopped into the driver seat. He backed out of the driveway and took off to the hospital.

Brad: its gonna be ok Care!

Carrie: hurry Brad!!!

Brad called the police to tell them the situation so that they wouldn't try to pull him over going like 80-90mph!!
A couple minutes later they had a cop behind them escorting them to the hospital.
Brad grabbed Carrie's hand.

Brad: it's gonna be ok Care! We're almost there!!

Carrie:😷😷😷 I don't feel so good!!

They finally arrived at the hospital. The medics had a stretcher outside ready. Brad opened his door and ran over to Carrie's side. He picked her up once again and laid her on the stretcher.

Nurse: sir if you want to come in the delivery room you must put on this suit.

Brad: ok!!

He got in his blue suit while the nurses put Carrie's on her. Brad then went into the delivery room and sat next to Carrie grabbing her hand.

Carrie: Brad please don't leave me!!! I need someone here with me!!

Brad: Care I'm not gonna leave!!

She smiled and mouthed "thank you." She continued with her contractions but the baby would not come out. The doctors asked her to push a little and it didn't work. After a couple minutes later her contractions stopped.

Doctor: well I guess today isn't the day. You should stay for at least another day, you'll most likely give birth later today or tomorrow.

Carrie: I'll stay as long as I need to doctor.

Doctor: are you the husband?? (Looking at Brad)

Brad: (awkwardly) uh no I'm just..

Carrie: he's my best friend!! My husband doesn't know I'm here because he's not answering his phone.

Doctor: oh ok. Well I still need you to sign some papers. I'll have someone bring them to you.

Carrie: thank you! Bye

The doctor left the room, Brad went over to sit on the chair next to Carrie's bed.

Brad: you ok??

Carrie: yea, I feel much better now! Let me try to call Mike again. Can you give me my phone from the purse

Brad: yea sure. Here you go.

Brad stood up and grabbed his phone, he dialed Kim and waited till she answered. He opened the door but first whispered to Carrie "I'll be back." She smiled at him while trying to call Mike.

Brad: Kim I'm at the hospital, the same one where Jasper was born. Carrie hasn't given birth yet but the doctors think it can happen at any time

Kim: Brad you shouldn't be there with her, your not her husband or the father... Or you???😠

Brad: Are you being serious!!!! Of course I'm not the father!! You your thoughts, I swear😠. I'm only here because she asked me to be here. Mike doesn't answer the phone at all.

Kim: so you rather be with her than with me and the kids!!!

Brad: I can't believe you just said that!!😠 I'll call you back later😠 bye!!!

He hung up and went back inside the room.

Brad: any luck??

Carrie: no he doesn't answer

Brad: we'll try later.

Carrie: Brad you should get some sleep its late! And you do look tired so don't say your not😉

Brad: you sure??

Carrie: yes Brad I'll be ok. Plus I'm tired as well too so I'm gonna try to sleep too!

Brad: well if you insist! Good night Care!

He stood up and gave her a kiss on the forehead and then fell asleep on the couch.

"Did Brad just kiss my forehead? He's never done that before! That was real weird but its not like I didn't like it! Wait Carrie you and Brad are best friends not husband and wife! Stop with these thought," Carrie thought. After a couple minutes later they were both asleep.

(3 hours later)
Carrie: Awe!!😩 Brad!!! The baby, I'm ready!!! Call the doctor

Brad immediately got up and ran out the door.

Brad: nurse!! She's going into labor!! Hurry!!!

The doctors went and began to help Carrie. Brad sat next to Carrie grabbing her hand and wiping the sweat of her forehead with a towel.

Doctor: Carrie push!!

Brads phone rang, it said Carrie's home, he answered it.

Mike: Brad do you know where Carrie is at. She's not home and she doesn't pick up her phone!

Brad: Mike we're in the delivery room, she's having her baby. Get your ass here now!!!

Mike: omg!! Wait why are you with her!!

Brad: her water broke and you wouldn't answer your damn phone so then she called me and I took her here. Hurry up and come!!!😠

Mike: I broke my phone thats why I couldn't answer. Im headed over there right now!!

They hung up. Carrie kept pushing until they finally heard the baby crying. The doctor pulled him out and gave it to Carrie. Tears were running down her eyes! She was so happy. The nurse grabbed the baby and began to clean it with another towel.

Doctor: miss we need to cut the umbilical cord. Do you want to??

Carrie tried to cut it but she had no more strength.

Carrie: Brad! Can you cut it?

Brad: um do you really want me too? I'm mean Mike is the one who supposed to cut it. He's on his way here!

Doctor: Sir we cant wait either you cut it or we'll cut it.

Carrie: Brad please can you.

She gave him a puppy face that he had received so many times from her whenever she asked him for a favor.

Brad: ok ok I'll do it!!

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