Chapter 1

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This book contains mature language. You've warned before hand, so don't complain.

This book has not been edited or checked so I'm sorry if there are any errors. Both the main characters and their friends are 17 years old. 

Above is Shanaya's house

Shanaya POV:

My arms were full of shopping bags. My legs and arms were exhausted from the amount of shopping I had done with my friends in 6 hours. I accidentally lost my friends.

How did I lose my friends when they were with me a second ago? Was I ever going to find them in such a big place like Westfield? God, someone help me!?

I was trying to balance my shopping bags and try to get my phone out of my bag when I bumped into something. Or should I say someone. Due to the fact that I get so easily scared, I dropped my bags onto the floor.

'Shit' was the first thing that came out of my mouth and that too, loudly. I know, being the daughter of Manish Malhotra, one of the biggest fashion designers in the world, that I should have the decency not to swear in public, but I can't help it. I've got into the habit of saying it, and for some reason, I enjoy to swear as well. I think it's cause I like to see people's reaction.

I pushed my hair behind my ear and bent down to grab my stuff. I didn't know who I'd bumped into, but at least they could say sorry or help me. And judging by the person's shoes, the person who I'd bumped into, was a guy.

I started gathering my stuff and was reaching out for my Gucci bag when I felt a hand reach over for my bag at the same time as me. The person's hand was now over mine. Electrical impulses immediately shot up my arm and down my spine, making me shiver. I hadn't even seen the person's face yet and I'm reacting like this to their touch. I instantly bought my hand back by my side and dared my self to look up. I'm instantly come across dark brown eyes, that are staring back at me with intensity, into my almost black, dull ones. My eyes start to wander round his face: his gelled up dark brown hair, that matched his hypnotizing brown eyes; his lips were pink and full. All I wanted to do was kiss them.

Shanaya Malhotra, what the hell are you thinking? Snap out of it! My inner voice was shouting inside me to stop, but I found it near impossible to divert my gaze from him.

Finally, after what felt like ages of staring into each other's eyes, I diverted my gaze from him to the floor, remembering that my bags were still on the floor. Half my clothes were out of their bags.

Quickly grabbed them and got up. The guy in front of me was still on the floor, eyeing a bag to my left. I didn't know why he didn't just grab it until I realised what was inside it. My black lace lingerie that I had bought a while back in the morning, was almost completely out of the bag. My eyes widened at the sight as I quickly grabbed the bag, stuffing the lingerie back into the bag. As I did so, the person in front of me snapped out of his thoughts as he got up from his crouched position, straightening his clothes out. He was wearing a simple white short sleeved shirt, but with the sleeves rolled up to his shoulders, showing off his biceps. He was also wearing black jeans and a pair of white converse. He looked incredibly sexy for such a simple outfit.

What the hell are you thinking Shanaya My inner voice started shrieking. My eyes widened again with the thought.

But when I turned to look up at his face, I could see he was checking me out, making no signs of moving his gaze off my body. He knew I knew he was checking me out, he was doing it on purpose. This got my blood to start boiling inside my vessels. Do boys not have any respect for girls these days? If you want to check a girl out, at least do it less openly.

'Excuse me?!' I say with a hint of how annoyed I was with him checking me out.

He snapped out of what ever he was doing, looking at me with amusement dancing in his pretty eyes and a smirk playing on his lips.

'I was just wondering what you would look like in that lingerie of yours,' he said, silently chuckling at the sight of my jaw hitting the floor.

'Excuse me?' I repeated my self. I can't believe just said that, that too to my face!

'How dare you-' I was interrupted by him speaking again.

'Don't dare me Princess, you have no idea what type of dares I have done in my life. And trust me, you don't wanna know Princess,' he said, his smirk getting wider at the sight of my flushed face.

He did not just say that.

Angry, I took a large step towards him, decreasing the already little distance that was between us, even further. His smirk went away as shock took its place at the sight of my actions.

'You have no fucking idea how motherfucking lucky you are that I have shopping bags in my hands and that we're in a public place. Otherwise, I would've slapped you round the face, hard.' I said, staring right into his eyes, shooting daggers into them.

At first, his face showed nothing else than plain shock, but his face turned into something that I hadn't expected.


'Go ahead Princess, I'm all yours.' he said, that one hell of a smirk still on his face.

I took a step back, my body burning with rage.

'You..... uggghhhhh!' I stomped away, not wanting to let my anger get the best of me. I could here him chuckling as I marched away from him. It was then when I spotted my friends standing at the front of Forever 21. I made my way to them, preparing myself to give them a lecture about how it feels to be abandoned, especially in a place like Westfield.

'Where the fuck were you?!' I exclaimed to my three best friends.

'That's the same question we want to ask you! Where were you?' Sophia fired back at me.

'I was just window shopping and when I turned round to talk to you guys, you disappeared! I looked everywhere for you and I couldn't find you.'

'You could've called us,' said Sydney.

'Yeah, I was going too but I bumped into a jerk of a guy while doing so.' My mind trailed back to the time when I was talking to him. Who the hell did he think he was? And why do I think that I've seen him before somewhere?

Alaska snapped her fingers in front of my face, bringing me back to the real world.

'Are you okay Shanaya?' she asked, concern filling her voice.

'Yh I'm fine. Before, we continue shopping, can we eat something. What say girls, ice cream?'

They all nodded so we made our way over to the ice cream in Westfield.

Whilst eating, I got ice cream on my nose. The girls laughed at me. An idea came into my head so I told them all to put some ice cream on their noses. At first, they all said no but I begged them, and so they agreed.

Once we had all got ice cream on our noses, I got out my phone and took selfies of us. We did loads silly faces, and then normal smiley ones. We looked over them again and burst out into laughter at our faces. People looked at us like, what the fuck? But we didn't care.

We left the parlour, tears of laughter running down our faces. We continued shopping, joking around and laughing. By the time we'd finished, we were all ready to collapse. So I called my driver, and we all headed to my house.

We all knew we wouldn't be able to move once we had sat down, so my friends did the usual and slept over. My mum had no problem with it because they came round so frequently that she considered and treated them like her own daughters.

We got sorted for the night and soon all my friends were asleep. Except me. All my mind did was go over the guy I had bumped into. Why was he so good looking but be an absolute jerk! I was still thinking about him when sleep finally came to me.

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