Chapter 50 - 『Familial Ties』

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"Do not shower her with money and wealth. Sure it's fine sometimes but don't do it always. Shijie appreciates sincere actions."

Cale wonders on how the hell did he got drag by Jin Zixuan.

"What do you suggest?" Jin Zixuan sincerely asks, making Cale snort to himself at the full rotational turn of the bastard's personality.

"Do you know how to cook?" The redhead questions in return, looking around the stalls in Lanling.

"I haven't tried. But I should be able to follow guides about it."

Oh right, Jin Zixuan is the heir of Jin Sect. So it'll be understandable that he won't know those things.

Atleast the bastard is willing to learn, Cale ought to praise him for that.

"Then try baking a pastry with the design of white peony similar to the one in your forehead."

With that, Jin Zixuan unconsciously touched the mark in his forehead as he contemplated.

It wasn't a bad idea, he had assessed. Maybe if he wasn't such a brat back then, he and Cale would have easily became friends.

Jin Zixuan could only laugh before firming himself. He'll just make sure to do his best in the present and in the future, wallowing in the past won't make it any better.

"Why are you laughing there like an idiot?"

It made Jin Zixuan laugh more, making him look like a mentally-illed person as Cale shivered in fright.

"I'm just remembering something funny, martial brother-in-law."

Just then, Cale clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Stop calling me that. It's too long."

Jin Zixuan froze before he blinked profusely.

"Then I can call you anything except that?" He teases, making Cale feel a very foreboding chill run down his spine.

Before Cale could respond, Jin Zixuan yipped like a dog.

"Then, didi! Let's go buy ingredients!"

Cale scowls, yet he let Jin Zixuan pull him along.

"When the hell did I allow you to call me that?"

Jin Zixuan smiles, making Cale's repeated words of vicious circle in his mind again.

"Then choose, martial brother-in-law or didi?"

Cale simply scowls, but he never spoke as Jin Zixuan smiled more, basking in the warm feeling.

Throughout the day, they spoke to each other comfortably. Cale pointing the ingredients that can be used and even hitting the older in the nape when the bastard is choosing an expired milk.

"I will kill you if you dare give Yanli those things." Cale's eyes squinted as Jin Zixuan could feel his sweat drop in fear.

"I didn't know!"

Though his fear disappeared when he noticed the redhead's address towards the girl.

"Yanli? Isn't she older than you?"

Cale simply flicked his hand, "Ask her yourself if she's older. Who knows, I may be old enough to be even your great grandfather."

He said that with an off-handed tone, but Jin Zixuan felt like he was serious about it.

Before Jin Zixuan could further ponder about it, he could feel something small hit his leg as the both of them looked down.

It was a child.

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