Chapter 63 - 『And So It Goes On, Inevitably』

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Walking around with Xiao Wang in his curled fist, Cale did his best to ignore the malicious whispers that followed him around.

'How annoying.'

The common folk in Lanling is starting to get to his nerves, and the redhead couldn't help but sigh again at the over exaggerating rumors about him.

"They say that his hair is actually drenched in blood, reason why it is red."

'That is quite the disgusting rumor.' Cale thought to himself shivering away the phantom feeling of something icky in his hair.

"But I heard that he is actually a demon."

Huh, that's actually new.

"He even managed to bewitch Zewu-jun from the prideful and reserved Gusu Lan."

The redhead huffs to himself before ignoring such frivolous matters. He'd rather see if the fabric he's holding is really authentic, he can't have his Shijie wearing uncomfortable clothes on the day of her wedding.

"Carnage and bloodbath always follow his wake, and those around him is always either injured or dead."

With that statement alone, he accidentally (or not) tears the red cloth in his hands and glared at the man who said such words.

"Ya! How'd yer plan compensatin' me?! That fabric is made from the finest silks!"

Out of annoyance, he returned the yell to the merchant, "Finest silks my ass! Rags are better than these fake silks of yours!"

As Cale seethes in anger, and so is the merchant. The people who were whispering about him earlier muttered to themselves again.

"Seriously, he's the one at fault yet he even have the guts to tell at the poor seller."

"Tsk tsk."

Cale clicks his tongue in annoyance the more he hears the clamor around him.

"How'd ya know if it's fake, huh?! T'was the one that seamed those!"

The redhead wiped his face due to the disgusting spit that splattered on it, reeling himself to not drown the old man right then and there.

"Silks are easy to get warm if you rub it with your fingers, and its hue changes in different angles since it is lustre. What all I described is the complete opposite of your so called finest silks."

The merchant's face became flustered the moment the redhead pointed out the flaws of what he's selling.

"Geez, cut the old man some slack. It's hard to earn a living nowadays." The people whisper again.

Cale scoffs to himself, dropping one silver against the fabric he tore.

In a way, it is how he wants to say sorry for ruining something because he can't control his anger. Cale still has his morals after all.

"In the merchant world, it's all about invesment and keen eyes old man. It also wouldn't do you any good if you are easy to read." The redhead says before walking away.

"Ah really, cultivators are so arrogant these days."

Aw come on, giving advice is arrogant now? He should just shut up then.

There is no point in talking if the whole world has already made up their mind about you. It has always been like that, even when he was still Kim Rok Soo.

Walking around the bustling streets of Yiling despite the whispers that followed him, Cale just ought to zip his mouth shut and do his best to finish early.

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