Chapter 53 - 『A Parade Of Flowers』

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As the celebration banquet comes to an end, Lanling Jin decided to host one last event.

A night hunt in Mount Baifeng.

"Money really is the best." Cale says, looking around where the flowers fell.

It is currently the opening ceremony of the event.

"The Twin Jades of Gusu and Qingheng-jun from Gusu Lan Clan are now entering!"

At the same time, Cale twirls the flowers in his hand as he looks down to see the Lans entering with a majestic air around them, making the redhead smile to himself before using his ancient power to lead the flowers to each of their respective owners.

Red carnation for Lan Xichen (deep love, pride and beauty), columbine for Lan Wangji (wisdom and intelligence), and cosmo flowers (order and harmony) for Qingheng-jun.

As the three looked up to where the flowers fell from, Cale immediately smiles at their confused look before drinking the alcohol in his cup.

Lan Xichen was the first one to look away, considering that Sect Leader Jiang is glaring at him like it was his world mission to do so.

Though he did give Cale a nod and smile in thanks for the flowers.

They had paraded for a while, before the next Sect was introduced.

"Sect Leader Wen Qing and Young Master Wen Qiongling from Dafan Wen are now entering!"

Cale smiles gleefully to himself together with his brothers, while Jiang Yanli simply chuckles at her brother's reactions.

Since the name Qishan Wen brings horror to the common people's ear, Wen Qing decided to change the capital city to Dafan.

Hence the Sect's name, Dafan Wen.

Cale throws flowers of both amaryllises and daisies to the Wen siblings. Daisy symbolizing innocence, purity and new beginnings while amaryllis means to sparkle.

Though he gave amaryllis flowers particularly to Wen Qing since that flower had a wonderful history back on Earth.

If you gave that particular woman the said flower in Victorian times, it means that you see her as a strong, confident and beautiful woman.

Which is why Cale had threw that flower towards Wen Qing's way.

Wen Qing had looked at him similar to how Rosalyn would look whenever she was amazed in whatever shenanigans Cale was doing, making the redhead huff in nostalgia before nodding in acknowledgement.

"Sect Leader Nie Mingjue and Young Master Nie Huaisang are now entering!"

The people and maidens alike hesitated to throw flowers, yet Cale knew better so he threw another colorful bunch to the Nie brothers.

Hydrangea for gratitude and windflowers for protection against ill wishes.

Nie Mingjue who noticed this, looked up to meet Cale's reddish-brown eyes before nodding in thanks, considering that his little brother is smiling happily at the flowers the redhead threw.

"Gege, we're next to enter." Jiang Cheng whispers beside him, making Cale look with a frown.

"Can't I just stay here?"

Cale doesn't need any unwanted attention, thank you very much.

"Alright, if you say so. Cheng Cheng, I heard that Jin Guangyao is going to parade together with that peacock and their father. They're going to receive sooooo much flowers, aren't they?" Wei Ying says in an obnoxiously loud manner, making Cale raise his eyebrow.

Jiang Cheng then miraculously joins the older, "Mn. Who knows, maybe Zewu-jun will also throw some considering they are sworn brothers."

Cale knew he should persist, that the prickling attention directed to him won't happen if he doesn't go(which is preferable).

But what's more annoying is that darn smile of Jin Guangyao if he really ever received a damn flower from Lan Xichen.

The redhead pinched the bridge of his nose out of spite before standing up, ignoring the wistful stares from his siblings and Sect Leader Jiang alike.

"Aiya gege, stop drinking vinegar ey?"

"Shut it if you don't want a whole damn bottle shoved in your throat."

Wei Ying and Jiang Cheng simply snickered to themselves before glancing at the Lan brothers for a short while.

"Don't even think about it." Sect Leader Jiang grimly says behind the two, making the both of them flinch as Jiang Yanli chuckles and patted their father's back to calm him down.

"Aiya, where's the fun in that uncle? We need entertainment!"

Before Jiang Fengmian could berate the younger, Wei Ying had already ran away with Jiang Cheng being pulled by him.

"Gege! Do you need help with mounting the horse?" Jiang Cheng continued teasing, which earned a background laugh from Wei Ying.

Cale decides to ignore them for the sake of his sanity. He activates his wind ancient power due to his short height and easily mounted the horse.

The looming stare from Jiang Fengmian was also ignored.

"Sect Leader Jiang Fengmian, Young Miss Jiang Yanli, Young Master Jiang Wanyin, Childe Wei and Jiangshuai-zun are now entering!"

The moment the horses galloped at the parade, a barrage of flowers instantly fell to them that it made Cale cough in suffocation due to the pollens.

Cale coughs to ease the searing pain in his nose and throat, his annoyance going higher every second passing by.

Just then, the sound of a flute echoed. And Cale couldn't help but turn his head towards the sound.

His reddish-brown eyes mirrored against Lan Xichen's serene figure in playing Liebing, and his siblings couldn't help but smile at how the redhead's eyes would shine the more he looks at the older above.

Even Jiang Fengmian couldn't help but smile at how Cale would look at Lan Xichen like he found a whole another world to live in.

Though he still wouldn't let the redhead go easily without proper courtship between the two clans.

Lan Xichen opens his eyes and smiles delicately at the redhead, reciprocating the look he's receiving from Cale.

Even a fool would know that the two are deeply in love with one another.

Lan Xichen then throws a bunch of flowers towards the redhead like what the latter had did to them earlier.

Cale immediately activates the Sound of the Wind to catch the flowers in his hands.

The redhead couldn't help but quirk a smile when he fondle the blue petals in his fingers.


I will love you even if I have to transcend through the bounds of space and time.

Or so what Cale had understood behind the meaning of the particular flowers that were given to him.

Cale brings the flower close to him and smelled it, making Lan Xichen huff with red color tinting his cheeks.

Now that they had both thought about it, they gave each other their respective colors in flowers.

Cale then felt something being placed in his head, he looked to see that it was a flower crown woven by none other than his siblings.

"So gege, will the wedding be after Shijie's?"

Cale quirks an eyebrow, yet he didn't bother to deny anything.

"Who knows?" He mutters, before tucking away the blue flowers in his sleeve for safekeeping.

*leaves again like I wasn't about to kill someone in the future chapters*

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