Chapter 96 - 『Haven't I Given Enough?』

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Why exactly is he here again?

Right, he's here to teach foreign students the customs of Yunmeng that was engraved in his memory in a span of week.

Xiao Xingchen could only sigh.

He's a teacher, so where exactly is his students?

When Xiao Xingchen looks at the sky only to see it slowly becoming night, he sighed again.

Now then, where exactly is Wei Xun?

"Xiao Xingchen."

When he turned to look, he sees Sect Leader Jiang with a worried face.

"Sect Leader, may I ask if you know where Wei Xun is?" Xiao Xingchen asks, not wasting time.

"It seems that he's at their graves again." Jiang Fengmian says, nodding to the latter when he got what he meant.

"Yes, I will bring him back by dinner." He casually says, grabbing his sword before disembarking to find a certain redhead.

Xiao Xingchen threaded a familiar path, considering this is already the fourth time he'll fetch the redhead from the graveyard only in this week.

When he arrived, he could see the redhead laying in front of the three stones, snow already piling atop of him.

Who know how long he's been like that.

When Xiao Xingchen was about to wake the redhead up, a hand appeared in front of him to make him stop.

It was Xue Yang.


When Xue Yang looked down on the redhead, he watched how the older's face would scrunch into frown.

"Sect Leader Jiang would like for him to eat dinner." Xiao Xingchen says, trying to ease Shuanghua who kept buzzing in its scabbard.

Xue Yang inched away from Xiao Xingchen, mainly because of his sword.

"Give him...a few more minutes..."

Xue Yang kneels beside the redhead and stared in a blank manner, as if he was a guardian protecting something dear to him.

"Can you tell me why?" Xiao Xingchen coaxes, considering this is only the second time he will get to talk at a conscious corpse.

He could see Xue Yang hesitate for a while before he finally spoke.

"He's...looking for him...Wei Wuxian's soul."

Xiao Xingchen could feel something inside of him crumple, looking at the redhead with something similar to pity.

"Don't...don't look at him like that...he hates it." Xue Yang says when he took a look at Xiao Xingchen's expression.

Xiao Xingchen could only nod in melancholy, "Can you tell me more? What does he likes? Or dislikes? Anything about him, even if it was the most mundane things."

Xue Yang was silent, as if he was trying to think about it carefully.

"Slacker life...with money and all the people he care about by his side."

And his dislikes are the opposite of his likes. A tiring life, no money and no people by his side.

Xue Yang knew that the redhead wouldn't admit it, but he knew that he must have felt lonely even if there are many people still remaining with him.

Even with him, whose existence is tethering between life and death.

"You are a good person, A-Yang."

Xue Yang stills, before his stiff body went slack.

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