Chapter 66 - 『The Baby Is Kicking, The Mother Is Craving...Send Help』

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It has been some months and so since Jiang Yanli's wedding, and it is quite the peaceful life for the redhead.

Peaceful...peaceful life...

Is what the redhead wants to attain but no, life is a damn bastard.

Shijie is pregnant. pregnant.

Don't get him wrong, he congratulated the girl when they first found out since being pregnant is a heavy responsibility considering you're nurturing a life in your womb, but what came next is making the redhead cry almost every night.

"Aigoo, my slacker life. Why do you always run away from the dear old me?"

Just then, Jiang Cheng appeared making Cale cry internally.

If he appears, then Shijie would make him do something almost impossible again.

"A-jie wants to talk with you."

Cale would be glad if it was just a simple talk. But knowing Shijie who is currently pregnant and is currently craving almost unattainable, least to say that the redhead already knows what will come next then.

Before the redhead could leave, Jiang Cheng offered a small encouragement to Cale that it made him want to lament more.

Walking towards to where his Shijie is, he continued to ponder.

What he wonders the most is what abomination would the girl ask him to get again. Hopefully not some blue loquats or something.

He shivered the last time she asked him to get that exact fruit. It was a bit of a hell when Jiang Yanli started crying.

It was hell, but...

He can manage.

He can always manage as long as it is regarding his people.

As Cale turns to look at some place, the first thing he sees is Jin Guangyao.

And when he took a look on the other side, it was the man's father, Jin Guangshan.

'Shit shit shit shit!'

Cale scrambled away as fast as he can away from the men.

He'd rather face Jiang Yanli's weird pregnancy cravings than to face them. Shijie's guilt tripping is better than to talk with Lanling Jin's Sect Leader.

He does not want to deal with a perverted bastard first thing in the goddamn morning, thank you very much.

But just as he said, life is a bastard.

"Jiangshuai-zun. Good morning."

He wishes that the ground would open up and swallow him whole.

As he composed himself and slowly turn to greet Jin Guangyao back, he almost punched Jin Guangshan's face right then and there for being too close for his own good.

So instead, he just respectfully backed the fuck away. He does not want to die for punching a Sect Leader's face because he's being a pervert, no matter how enticing the thought of knocking him out is.

"Good morning, Young Master Wei. Going to see your martial sister?" Jin Guangshan asked the very most obvious thing, making the redhead want to return the question with a crude face.

'What do you think? Do I look like I want to see your bitch ass face?'

"It is the case, Sect Leader Jin. Then I'll excuse myself since Shijie is urgently looking for me."

As Cale was about to hurriedly walk away, the bastard once again grabs ahold his wrist, making the redhead nauseous.

He could still remember vividly how those hands kneaded his waist and bruised his wrist at the banquet.

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