Chapter 76 - 『The Moon Will Sing A Song For Me』

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Trust is a futile thing.

Unconditional faith, however, is another thing.

It was to the point that one scares another at the intensity of such faith.

As Wei Ying swung the talismans around him, a spiritual array appeared just right below his feet.

At the same time, two beautiful female ghosts appeared on each of his side, batting their eyelashes at Xue Yang who only frowned at their flirting in return.

"Are you sure about this?" Xue Yang asks, already having a hunch about their plan.

Wei Ying shrugged, patting the ghosts head like they were a pet.

"Nothing wrong will happen as long as we stick to our own roles in executing our plan."

Wei Ying said that confidently, but Xue Yang could see how the older would fiddle his hands in a restless manner.

"If you think the enemy is too strong, persist. If you still can't, then retreat and hit them on their backs after."

Xue Yang could see how the older violently flinched at his words, before he could then see how he relaxed right after.

"You sound like gege at the moment." Wei Ying says with a small smile, looking after the female ghost who entered a room somewhere in one of the rooms in Lanling Jin's pavilion.

Xue Yang stepped right beside the older, shoulder by shoulder as he talked nonchalantly.

"Because all the words I had said were his."

On those words alone, Wei Ying smiled in melancholy.

"How many months has it been since then?" Wei Ying couldn't help but ask, considering his sense of time had all been blurred ever since of what the redhead had asked him to do back then.

"Eleven? Almost a year even."

And even after a year, Wei Xun is still yet to wake up.

Wei Ying thanked the Gods for even making their Shijie wake up, but there is also a part of him who frowns upon the said Gods when Wei Xun had not still woken up.

Another part of him is scared, fear eating up his mind and consuming in his sleep.

What if gege will never wake up?

What if his heart won't beat again?

What if he had already ascended to Godhood without their knowledge?

"Stop overthinking such nonsensical thoughts." Xue Yang says that broke the older out of his trance.

He had also asked this to him back then, these thoughts that continued to plague his mind and as if there was a mist encircled around his senses.

"Such useless thoughts." Xue Yang had said then, "He is never the one who would lie. If he said he'll come back, he will."

Such is faith.

"All we could do is wait for him."

Such is the unconditional trust he have for the redhead.

Indeed. After this, all of them will always wait for their oldest brother.

"I guess we should go." Wei Ying says the moment he heard questionable noises coming from the room.

It was the two ghosts moaning like they were having a good time, accompanied by Jin Guangshan's groans could be heard.

Once a pervert, will always be a disgusting pervert.

If there is a term similar to a whore but in a masculine word, that would be the right way to call a bastard like him.

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