Chapter 27- Inigo Montoya

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A/N Eh, not the best, but I love the ending. Please enjoy! Oh and random video from a cool movie and this is hilarious!! You've gotta watch it all.

Chapter 27

Emily P.O.V

Yeah, I think it was a bad idea to not ask Raven Silver and Jade Quill for help. I sure could've used someone who could actually be as sarcastic as my father. I also could've used someone who knew the red faced dirt bag.

The color red has officially been ruined in my eyes.

"Johann Schmidt. Finally a pleasure to meet you, I've definitely heard so much about you from my friends and my husband." My voice floods with sarcasm and I see him roll his eyes at me in disgust.

"Oh I'm sure you have." His German accent clearly showing and you can tell that he's angry and frustrated with us.

"You know you sound pretty angry and you look a little red." I smirk and make a hand gesture motioning towards his face. He lets out a dry laugh towards me.

"I wouldn't be making comments like that. Have you seen the looks of the pretty girl in my arms? She would look nice in a pool of blood." He says and I shrug.

"So would you but..." I pause. "You know, I think the comments only work for dead pool. Can I just ask you one question? What's your goal? Your aim to complete? Is it me? Do you want me dead?" I feel Bucky tense at my side and Schmidt throws Phoenix to the side and off the camera.

"Of course it's you. You've been to a base of mine and survived, not even

created by me. You've seen too much and you need to be gone, along with your Avenger's buddies of yours." I roll my eyes at him.

"They're not buddies, but family. Johann Schmidt, are you making a threat to kill us because I've heard many and they've never completed it." I step forward closer to the screen, glaring at him through it.

"Turn yourself in, Emily. You'll slowly find the people dying around you if you don't." He voice hisses towards me and I grin, throwing my arms up and into the air.

"Fine, fine." Bucky looks at me shocked, I can feel it. "I'll meet you in a week, I'll surrender myself if you let Phoenix go. Central Park." I look into the camera.

"You're in no position to arrange things. We will meet-"I cut him off by speaking again.

"Actually I am. So you see you have Phoenix, you kill her and you have nothing to hold over me. Same as torturing her. Central Park, perfect condition. If she so much as has a bruise on her pretty skin, my suits will be called in and we will both be blown to kingdom come. Got it?" My voice is low as I look at the TV.

"That's not how it works..." I put up a hand.

"Maybe not for Hydra, but for me it works. Don't like it? Get a straw and suck it up. You're getting what you wished and I'm getting what I wished. Good day, Red Skull." Alice, cuts the feed off and Bucky turns to me angrily.

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