Chapter 4- Let's do this

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Chapter 4

Emily P.O.V

I step down from the Quintjet on top of the bus. The whole ride made me feel sick for some reason, so I leaned against Bucky the whole time. He held me the whole time and had his arms wrapped around me.

"Hey, Phil." I wave and he grins walking over to give me a hug. He was always nice to me when I worked there and I've gotten over the time when Fury wanted the team to assassinate me.

"Hello Emily!" I hug him back and look around the group.

"Jemma, Fitz, May, Skye." I pause over Grant. "Ward." He gives me a nod, knowing that I'm not happy to see him. His eyes them move to Bucky and widen.

"How is it that you trust him and not me?" He points to Bucky and I roll my eyes.

"One, He was brainwashed and Two, he never pretended to be friends and go evil. Today Ward, I'm giving you that chance." His eyes get a hopeful look and he smiles gratefully towards me. I walk over and stand by Phil as he is outside the room with the teams gathered

"What's up with this 'Real S.H.I.E.L.D' crap?" He looks over at me with a sigh and looks down at his feet.

"Bobby and Mac were sent undercover by a group of 'S.H.I.E.L.D' agents. They were trying to get Fury's tool box. We caught onto them, but we had this Hydra and powers crap to deal with and we didn't catch onto it in time, but I had suspicion." I nod my head and watch Phil's team try and get over their past.

I watch the arguing dwindle down and the motion to Phil that they're almost done. He nods and I grin at Bucky, who is watching this argument along with the team. I'm sure Jemma and Fitz will begin to freak soon because they're here.

I walk forward and into the room.

"Children, now that you're almost done with your petty argument, we'll have to put trust in each other today. I don't care if you don't like Ward, but he's no longer Hydra and be thankful for that. Now the Avengers and I will be getting information and trying to get them to crumble down. I hear you're going after a powered person, so I'd be careful." They nod.

"How are we going to get there?" May asks looking at Coulson and I rack through my brain for Ideas.

"Emily?" Phil asks and I sigh.

"If you want to do it my way, you're going to have to sacrifice the Bus." I see him wince and nod. "You'll use the retro reflection panels, but still let Hydra know you're there. The Quintjet on top will be where you're actually at and you'll have to act like part of the debris from the Bus." He nods. "I'll be taking my suit and I'll be the one flying undetected. I'll also be there if something happens to damage the Quintjet."

"Great." Ward mutters and I raise an eyebrow at him. "Nothing." He raises his hands in the air and I smirk.

"Don't think I can't save a falling Quintjet?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Your suit really isn't durable enough. If it was like Captain America's shield then I'd believe it could." I chuckle and pull out my suit tossing it to Jemma and she catches it.

"Jemma, do you know what metal this is off the spot?" She twirls it around in her hand and shakes her head tossing it back. I turn to the Avengers smirking.

"Captain, do you know what it is?" I ask tossing it to him and he chuckles tossing it around in his hands.

"Pure Vibranium." He tosses it back and I shove it in my boot and raise an eyebrow at Ward and he looks shocked to say the least.

"Okay, Okay you got me there." I chuckle and walk past him, patting his back. I lean near his ear.

"I always do." I stare at the groups. "Well since we're going to be leaving soon, If you have any personal items or work items, I suggest to get them off now because when we're in the air there will be no way to save anything. "Currently, where is Fury's toolbox?"

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