Chapter 2- Fight Fire with Fire

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A/N Here is the first chapter for the release of Age of Ultron!!! I cannot wait to see it later!!! Enjoy :)

Chapter 2

Emily P.O.V

And we gonna let it burn burn burn burn

We gonna let it burn burn burn burn

Gonna let it burn burn burn burn

We gonna let it burn burn burn burn

Ellie Goulding pounds through my ears as I pound through a punching bag. My fists connect with force and sometimes my feet will smash into the bag, making it rattle. I'm no super soldier, I cannot really smash it off the chains.

After those final words from Hydra, the symbol had disappeared and it turned back to the news which was going on at the time. I just wanted to block out all of the yelling that went around earlier. I want to erase it from my mind.

You ever feel like you wanna scream, cry out for help but nobody can ever hear you. Ever feel like you're in a world where you understand everything perfectly, but everyone else doesn't and if feels so easy for you?

Exhaustion seeps through my veins and I collapse against the bag and tears leak from my eyes. My body trembles and I fall to my knees as everything soaks in. Anger floods my veins, they're going to pay for doing this to Pepper.

I stand off the ground and stumble over to the wall and slide down weakly, putting a knee up and draping a hand over it before placing my hand on the bloody knuckle bandage. My breathing comes in harsh pants and Demi Lovato's Heart attack now rings through my ears.

"Emily." A voice says and I jolt upward, starling the six people in front of me. You may thing The Avengers, but Tony would never come. After he was captured he called a few hours later from Florida. He was beaten up, but still in good enough shape to blame me for everything. Bucky, Natasha, Phoenix, Steve, Clint and Rhodey stand in front of me.

"Nice to see you, Rhodes." He gives me a curt nod.

"Anything new?" He raises an eyebrow and I know they had Alice show him the video of Hydra and I talking.

"The usual death threats." I shrug and everyone looks alarmed.

"You've gotten death threats before this?" Bucky asks and I nod scrunching my eyebrows.

"Don't you all?" I ask and they shake their heads vigorously. "Well I'm not dead yet." Just then I pull on my head phones and it snaps out of my phone which I barely use and my music blasts out.

I think I'd have a heart attack!

I pull my phone out and quickly press pause before chuckling.

"That was ironic." I look up to see them all with frowns on their faces. "What? It was. I mean I said I'm not dead yet and then it shouts I think I might have a heart attack." Their looks still don't change. I take a deep breath. "I'm going insane."

"Emily." Phoenix warns and I look her dead in the eyes and she doesn't relent.

"Phoenix." I say in the same tone. "It's after Iran all over again. The voices, the body, the yelling. I can't concentrate." I point to Bucky. "After you fall asleep I just get out of bed, I don't know what's happening, but the only time I've been to bed this week was four days ago." I feel something slide into my arm and I look to see a guilty Bucky with a needle. "You didn't." I say drowsily and collapse into his arms.


"Emily." Phoenix shoves my shoulder and I jump awake. I rub the sleep from my eyes and look up at her.

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