Chapter 25- Phone Calls

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A/N Two characters from different books! I hope you enjoy the following chapter. I'm going to try and make some Hydra conflict in the next chapter. Enjoy!

Chapter 25

Emily P.O.V

You know when you're tired in the morning and you just don't want to get up and move. Well I'm not feeling that kind of tired, I know you're thinking sleepy but this is exhaustion.

I put my hands on Steve's wrists and propel myself in the air the best I can, when you're hanging at least a few inches off the ground with a hand to your neck. I jump up and kick him in the face with my bare foot. I'm barely breathing, but the kick made him loosen enough for me to greedily gulp some air in.

I push away the thought to heat up my arms because I wouldn't want to hurt him badly. I send a punch to his throat and then send a kick to his face making him drop me.

I fall to my knees coughing and with a hand to my neck. I'm showing weakness and I know it. I immediately stop coughing and get to my feet in a defensive position. I quickly glance over at Bucky and Steve takes that change to punch me hard enough in the side of the face that I slam into the wall.

In my glance I realized he had been transformed just like Steve when he saw us. He pulled out a knife and was walking towards the cribs. I move out of the way of another punch from Steve and run jumping onto the wall near a crib and pouncing on Bucky, using his metal arm as leverage and swinging it around and him to the ground.

"Alice, baby protocol one." The wall behind the crib slides up and the cribs slide it, door quickly closing behind them. "Take them to their god mothers and put them on lock down there." Alice acknowledges me and I get punched into the wall again.

I dodge a kick from Steve and disarm Bucky after I sweep Steve's muscled legs under him. I throw the knife down the hall and I hear a faint impact to the floor. Suddenly I'm grabbed by the waist and thrown into the wall. I knew who did it because I could feel the metal arm. I fall to the floor and then immediately flip up to make sure I'm not tackled.

The last time I fought both of them I lost, but that was for fun. Now I stand here with one on each side of me and this isn't a game that we're playing. I still notice the thing off within their eyes and that's what confuses me.

I wait for them to strike first as they stare at me. I notice them give a faint nod to each other and that's when the lights in the tower go out. The room looks like its glowing and that's when I remember that May told me my eyes glowed in the dark and I immediately close them. So now I'm fighting blind.  

"Alice, close the light from the reactor." I know all light in the room has ceased. I use my ears to listen to the noises all around me. I tense up when I feel the air around me move and I know I duck from a punch. I hear the whistling of the metal arm zipping through the air.

In my mind I imagine how their bodies were on either side of me. I can see their forms in my mind and I use my ears to listen to their movements and then I hear the flicker of lights and I know that they're on, but I decide to use my hearing and keep my eyes closed. I hear footsteps walking towards me and I bet they think I'm going to be easy.

I jumping up and shoot a foot out, kicking Steve in the face. I sweep my legs out and sweep Bucky's feet from under him. I roll forward and spin around in a crouch position on the floor with a hand balancing me.

I'm panting hard and I know this is going to have to end soon. That's when I hear a baby cry, I snap my eyes open and find everyone standing there. I find Bucky and Steve looking normal, but Steve still had blood shot eyes.

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