Chapter 26- The Good and The Bad

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A/N The ending is pretty good and it's sweet in the middle. So let's think of it as a sweet and sour chapter. Please enjoy!

Chapter 26

Emily P.O.V

I let out an annoyed sigh and put my head on the counter, trying to make myself not bang my head onto it. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath through my nose, trying to calm myself down.

"Emily?" I lift my head to look at Emily who is looking at me in concern.

"Yes, sweetheart." I ask softly and she smiles walking into the room and puts her hands up for me to hold her. I lift her up into my arms and put her on my hips and she wraps her arms around my neck.

"Dang, she beat me." I hear Bucky mumble and I chuckle. Bucky has been on baby duty because he beat me up and I keep milking it, anyway he wouldn't let me do it anyway. He says it's a great way to make up for fighting me and I just love to watch him fail with the babies. Bucky walks up and kisses my lips making Emily in my arms cringe.

"Cooties." Her voice full of disgust.

"Yes, make sure to tell the guys that when you're fifteen." Emily has been sticking with us for a few days, since I've got to make sure it's safe to drive out since flying with a child isn't a great idea. "Now what do you guys want for lunch?"

"Pizza!" Emily cheers and I look over at Bucky who shrugs.

"As long as Bucky wants it, you can have it." Emily turns to Bucky and turns on the puppy dog eyes to the max. I giggle when he covers his eyes to shield himself.

"Okay, okay! Just please put away the eyes! What is up with girls named Emily and the puppy dog eyes?" Emily giggles and I roll my eyes at his statement.

"Yeah, what's up with guys named Bucky and complaining about girls named Emily?" I bite my lip to keep from smiling and I see Bucky give me a pout. I set Emily on the counter and walk over grabbing his neck and give him a sweet and deep kiss, blocking out Emily's noises of disgust. "Better?" He nods and quickly kisses me again.

"I've got to go down to the gym, call for me when you finish the pizza." I nod kissing his cheek and walking back over to the kitchen counter where Emily still is. I grab multiple items from drawers and hand them to Emily who checks them over. I fill a bowl with a small amount of water and add yeast.

I then mix sugar, oil and salt into the mixture, adding flour to the mix. Both Emily and I mix the dough, her small hands trying to do the job of my big hands. We spread it on a greased pizza pan. I turned on the oven to four hundred earlier and I grab a can of pizza sauce, mozzarella cheese and pepperoni.

"Do you want cheese or pepperoni?" I ask and she points the pepperoni. I sprinkle the cheese on and then she randomly places Pepperoni on. The finished product is a shield with a red pepperoni star in the center. "Bucky is so going to love this." I chuckle and Emily smiles. I slide the pizza in the oven and turn to her, to get a face full of flour.

"Got you!" She runs away and I chase after her, acting as if I was exhausted so I couldn't catch her. I then pretend to give up and walk over and spin the pizza in the oven so the other half would cook. I then surprise her put rubbing her cheeks with my flour hands, making her face white.

She squeals, jumping up and running after me and I run towards the elevator. Suddenly the doors open revealing Bucky and Steve. I stop and take a step back.

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