Chapter 7: School Trip Went Wrong

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-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(On the last chapter, Jaune was still a victim of bullying from Cardin Winchester...

During Doctor Oobleck's lesson, Cardin tried to get Jaune humiliated again but his plan went downfall thanks for the help of Phyrra, Y/N, Blake and Weiss...

This made Cardin pissed off, he tried to confront Y/N once again...only for him getting his mouth shut with after class from Doctor Oobleck...

In the Night, Jaune told Y/N to meet him on the rooftop for telling his secret to a fellow knight...

Y/N wasn't mad or disappointed about it, he just let it slide and told Jaune to meet him back at the rooftop for their personal training session...

When the white and red knight was heading to his dorm, Yang stopped him and told him to join with her and her teammates for getting to know each other better...

As for the rest of the night, Team RWBY and Y/N were enjoying their night with TV, snacks and drinks...

Next stop: Forever Fall for collecting tree sap...)

-3rd P.O.V.-

(The Forever Fall Forest

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(The Forever Fall Forest...Just like it's name, the whole land is nothing but a breathtaking big red forest as if Fall Season just happened...

As the camera goes down through the leaves, the scene shows Professor Goodwitch guiding Team RWBY, JNPR, CRDL and Y/N for their tour...

Not only they were there for admiring the place, they were also being sent for a task involving with their school activities...)

Glynda: "Forever Fall Forest, such a calming, relaxing and beautiful place to take a break once in a while whenever any of you feel like...As you can see, Mister Arc and L/N volunteered to carry multiple boxes of empty jars"

Ruby: "Are we here to collecting bugs?"

(Weiss and Phyrra shivered by the thoughts of picking up a bug with their bare hands)

Glynda: "Not quite, Miss Rose, we are here to collect tree sapfrom any of these trees"

Yang: "That doesn't sound that bad"

Glynda: "However, this forest is also being held by Grimms, primarily Beowolves and Ursas...But do not worry, Mister L/N and i are going to take care of them"

Y/N: "Why?"

Blake: "You defeated their Alpha, so they won't harm us by ordering them to back away"

Y/N: "Fair"

Glynda: "Any more questions?"

Y/N: "Time for our task?"

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