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Of course, the articles and twitter feed was flooding yet again. A lot of the news consisted of sympathy towards Harry, congratulations to me and Louis for our reunited relationship, and lastly, hate spiked towards me for crushing Harry's heart.

Yes, I still felt bad for what I did to Harry. So don't you say for one second that I don't give a rat's ass about Harry's emotions.

Besides all of the Harry commotion, Louis and I were back together and honestly, I could never be more happier about it. Regardless of all the hate I was receiving because of Harry and that situation, everything was pretty much great.

When Louis had asked me to be his again, it was in what I thought was one of the cutest ways possible, and that was him remaking our very first date, where he asked me to be his girlfriend the first time around. The picnic in the field, the sandwiches and chocolate covered strawberries. He insisted yet again that wasn't the best way to re-ask someone to be their girlfriend, but I only shut him up by crashing my lips onto his.

All of the pain, regret, and sorrow has lead up to something so wonderful, and that was having Louis back in my life.


So yeah, that's basically it... this will be the last chapter of this story. I apologize about it being so damn short. But don't cry yet, because there's going to be an epilogue! Yayayay.

Uh, vote for it, I guess? xD


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