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"Louis! Where are we going?" I asked with a laugh, in the passenger seat while Louis was driving.

"You'll see!" Louis exclaimed, chuckling. He had me blind folded with one of my scarfs, so I couldn't see anything but blackness. Every time I reached my hand up to remove the fabric, he would take my hand away from my face.

After an agonizing thirty minute ride, I finally felt the car come to a stop. I looked around, even though I couldn't see anything.

Louis opened his car door, shuffling out of the seat. He shut the door, wandering off. I frowned, reaching up to my face to remove the blindfold, when I heard my side door of the car open. Louis helped me out, shutting the door behind me.

"Okay, are you ready?" Louis asked with a small chuckle. I nodded hurriedly, anxious to get the cloth off. Louis gently took off the scarf, and I looked around.

"A carnival?" I grinned, jumping up and down like a little kid. He nodded, having the same reaction as me.

Looking around again, I noticed that no one had been here. Where was everyone? It was a Saturday; a lot of families would've brought their kids.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, looking back at Louis. He smirked a bit. "I may have rented out the place for the day so fans wouldn't recognize us."

My eyes widened a little bit, completely taken back by his words and actions. I couldn't believe that he actually rented out the carnival.

"How are we getting in? I didn't bring any money.." I bit my lip, feeling my pockets for any spare change. Nothing.

"Free admission." Louis laughed, taking my hand in his. "Being famous can have its perks."

"Well, damn.." I said in complete surprise. I didn't know Louis knew his way around shit like this.

"Well, are we gonna just stand here or are we going to go in?" Louis raised an eyebrow, a cheeky smirk playing on his lips. I grinned, practically skipping towards the entrance of the park. Louis laughed, being dragged behind me.

We both entered the carnival grounds, several guards standing at the entrance. "Where first?" I asked, smiling.

Louis pulled me over towards one of the game booths. The game was a basketball thing. You shoot three balls, and if you make all three, you win a large prize. I stepped back with a smirk, letting Louis take the lead.

He stood up at the counter proudly as the worker handed him three basketballs. Since everything in the park for us was free, Louis didn't have to pay to play.

He shot the first basketball, landing it straight through the hoop. I laughed, seeing how proud Louis looked when he made the shot.

The other two slipped through the basketball hoop as well, and Louis jumped up in the air and cheered.

Louis picked out one of the large stuffed prizes behind the counter, before turning to me and holding it in his arms.

He extended his arms to give me the bear, grinning from ear to ear. "For my lovely lady."

I felt a blush creep on my cheeks, taking the stuffed white bear from Louis. "I think I'll name him LouBear."

Louis' cheeks turned a slight shade of red as well. "Where to next?"


Several hours later, we had finally rode every ride in the carnival, and played every game there was to play. I even won Louis a stuffed koala bear from the skee-ball tent.

When we left to exit the carnival property, we heard a distant noise consisting of screams. Louis and I turned our heads, seeing a crowd of girls starting to run towards us. Even paparazzi vans were pulling up in the grass surrounding the carnival.

"Oh, great." Louis mumbled, ducking his head down as we made our way to the car. Once the girls started getting closer, Louis and I started running towards the car, hoping they wouldn't catch up to us.

We quickly got into the car, and started up the engine, practically speeding out of the parking lot next to the festival.

"Thank god." Louis breathed out, resting both of his hands on the steering wheel as we drove down the road. "Now we just have to get rid of these damn vans."

I turned around in the passenger seat, noticing that there was indeed paparazzi following us. Oh jesus christ.

"Well.." I said, turning back around in my seat and trying to come up with something. Anything.

All of the sudden, Louis took a sharp turn onto a road, quickly speeding down it and out of sight of the paparazzi.

Louis breathed out a sigh of relief after a few minutes, seeing they weren't following us anymore. I laughed, leaning back in my seat.

"Wanna head home and watch some movies? Where we won't be disturbed by paparazzi?" Louis asked with a laugh, turning back onto the main road again.

I nodded with a smile. "Sounds like a plan. Let's do it."


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