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It's been exactly a week since Liam stormed out of the house after finding out about Louis and I's official relationship confirmation.

He hasn't made an attempt to contact me or any of the lads. And we haven't contacted him.

It upsets me, yeah. But, what're you gonna do? He only wants some space.

Louis and I haven't broken up, no. We aren't going to let Liam come in between us. He may be my older brother, but he's definitely not my father. He can't tell me who I can and can't date.

Photos have started to spread around the internet with Louis and I. Photos from the picnic date somehow got out. I guess there had been paparazzi spying on us or something. There was even photos of us just hanging out and walking around town. Simple as that.

I still received the occasional hate. But, besides the hate, there had been people in the fandom that actually did support Louis and I. And I was so grateful for them people.

I had been sitting on the living room couch, casually watching some TV, when I heard the front door open.

My head shot up, seeing who walked in the door. Liam walked in, his backpack hanging on his back. Probably full of his clothes.

Liam's glance turned to me, before heading right upstairs and into where I'm assuming was his room.

I sighed before standing up and following after him. When standing at his door, I knocked softly.

"Who is it and what do you want?" Liam groaned from the inside of the room.

"Avery.. and I want to talk." I mumbled.

There was a few moments of silence before he spoke up again. "Oh. Well, Liam's not here at the moment. Come back later."

I rolled my eyes, twisting the doorknob and opening the door. Liam was laying in his bed, playing what sounded like Trivia Crack on his phone.

Before I stood next to his bed, I walked over. I sat myself down, next to where Liam was laying.

"Liam. We need to talk." I demanded. Liam looked up at me from his phone screen, before rolling his eyes. "Okay okay. What do you want?"

"I'm sorry." I admitted, playing with my hands. "For?"

"Not telling you about Louis and I." I mumbled quietly.

Liam sighed, sitting up fully. "It would've been a nice thing to know. And to hear it from you. Not Harry."

"Understandable." I bit my lip, nodding slowly. It was understandable. Of course he would want to hear it from his little sister rather than his best friend. God dammit, Harry Styles.

"Are you happy with him?" Liam suddenly questioned, looking at me with a serious look. I thought about it. The way Louis always made me feel.

Wanted. Cared for. Loved. Like I was actually worth something in this stupid world.

"Yes.." I said after a few moments. Liam nodded, before saying, "Well, I'm not gonna destroy my little sister's happiness then."

My eyebrows raised. Did I just hear him correctly? Did he just say he was going to accept Louis and I?

"Really?" I felt myself grinning from ear to ear. He chuckled, nodding again. "Yes. But if he hurts you, I'll kick him where the sun doesn't shine. Again."

"You might want to apologize about that, Li.. he was pretty banged up for a couple days and he still has a black eye from you hitting him in the face."

"I guess you're right.." Liam spoke quietly, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and standing up. "I love you, Avery."

"I love you too, Liam." I smiled, standing up as well.

He kissed the top of my head, before walking out of the room, hopefully going to apologize to Louis.


Vote for Chapter 17.
Short chapter ugh I apologize omf.

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