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Okay, maybe my plans changed when I said I wasn't going to drink. I practically begged Liam to buy me a drink, since he's 21. After a ton of pretty's and please's, he finally gave in.

Being the lightweight I am, drinking wasn't the best option. But it's not like I cared, really. Especially not in that moment.

"Liam! Dance with your little sisterr!" My words slurred out of my mouth, a giggling following after.

"No, Avery." Liam spoke, pulling away his hand that I was tugging at. Danielle came up behind Liam, placing her hands on his shoulders. "She's a bit flagged."

"Am not!" I laughed, looking around the bar for a sight of Louis. But, he was no where to be found.

"Still not dancing with you." Liam protested, chuckling now. I pouted, "Fine! I'll find another dance partner!"

"You do that." I heard Liam mumble as I skipped away, looking for a lonely person on the floor.

My eyes landed on a curly brown headed lad, and I walked over to him excitedly. "Harry!"

Harry spun around, having a glass in his hand. "A-Avery?" He hiccuped, his words slurring just as bad as mine.

I grinned, "Liam's deciding to be a meanie pants and I want a dance partner."

Harry chuckled to himself, setting his glass down on the table behind him. "Well, may I have this dance then?"

Nodding excitedly, I grabbed him by the arm, pulling him out to the dance floor. There was a more upbeat song playing, so it was thankfully something I could dance my heart out to.

Normally, I wouldn't be dancing in public. But hey, I'm shit-faced. So what the hell!

Harry and I both started dancing to the beat of the music, and I swayed my hips back and forth in a more or less sexual way. I could see the look of disappointment that was on my brother's face, even though my back was facing him.

We both danced back and forth like that for the remainder of the song, and when it was over, I saw a look of shock on Harry's face.

"What?" I asked with a goofy smile.

"I just didn't know you could dance like that." Harry said in amazement, before chuckling. I blushed a bit, flattered by Harry's compliment. Even though I was completely drunk, I still remembered that I had a boyfriend somewhere in this club.

"Do you know where Louis ran off to?" I questioned, having to raise my voice as the next loud song came on.

"No, not at all." Drunk Harry didn't seem so drunk anymore. He seemed more sad, at this point. I didn't want to have to run off from Harry and ditch him, but I wanted to go find Louis.

"I'm going to go find him, alright?" I looked up at him with an apologetic look, and he nodded. Standing up on my tiptoes, I placed a soft kiss onto his cheek, before turning away and walking off.

Louis wasn't on the dancefloor, or over by the bar where Danielle and Liam were still sitting together, talking.

I felt a frown form on my face, wondering where Louis could have run off to in this club. Sighing, I ran a hand through my sloppy wavy hair, walking down one of the hallways towards the back of the building.

I placed my hand on the bathroom knob to the girls room, twisting it only to find out it was locked. Oh, someone must be in there. Okay, I'll wait.

I leaned against the wall outside the bathroom with a sigh, staring at the door.

Then, I heard a soft bang against the wall, and several slight moans coming from inside of the bathroom.

"Oh, Louis." A girl moaned from inside the bathroom, and I winced in disgust. Then, that was when I tensed up. Louis? As in.. Louis Tomlinson? No, it couldn't be.

"Yes, that's right love. Scream my name." I heard the oh so familiar voice come out of the guy's mouth. No, no. There couldn't be any possible chance that it was my Louis.

A few moans and screams of Louis' name (first and last), I knew that it was my boyfriend having sex with another girl behind them closed doors. I couldn't believe it, but it was all actually happening.

I ran from the door, back down the hallway and into the main area of the club. No matter what, I had to get the hell out of here.

My vision was clouded with tears, and right before I stepped out the front door, Liam appeared in front of me. "Avery?! What's wrong?"

I shook my head, trying to get the sounds out of my head. But no matter how hard I tried, it didn't work. They just wouldn't stop replaying.

Arms were around my waist in several seconds, when Liam realized I wasn't able to answer him. I only cried into his shoulder, my arms hugging his torso tightly.

Liam pulled me close to his chest once he pulled away from the hug, and walked out of the club with me. He flipped his hood up, and we both made our way around the back of the building where the tour bus was.

"Okay, what happened?" Liam asked, shutting the bus door behind him as I sat down on the sofa.

"H-He cheated." I choked out, practically choking on my own tears.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Liam tense up, his hands balling into fist. "We're talking about Louis, right?"

I nodded sadly, and that was when he stood up, making his way over to the bus door. "I'm gonna fucking kill that asshole!"

I stood up quickly, taking his arm in my grip to stop him. "Liam, no. It'll just start shit that doesn't need to be started."

Liam ran a hand through his hair, letting out a groan of anger, swinging his fist at the bus wall. That shocked me, as I stumbled backwards a bit in surprise.

"He fucking hurt you! Now I'm going to hurt him!" He shouted, and before I could catch him again, he stormed off the bus, not bothering to close the door.

"No!" I screamed, running off after him, slamming the bus door behind me. By the time I got off the bus, Liam was out of sight from behind the building. I ran around the front, running inside past the guard at the front.

"Where the fuck is he?!" Liam's voice boomed over the loud music in the club. "Where's who, mate?" Louis asked, pretty damn casually, walking out of the hallway where the bathroom was.

Liam spun around on his heel, seeing Louis standing there with a small smile on his face. How could he be smiling after going and fucking another girl?

"You two timing, cheating, dickhead." Liam growled, and Louis cocked his head to the side, acting like he didn't know anything.

Then his head turned in my direction, and his cheeky little smile instantly fell once he saw my tear stained, red face. He stepped in my direction, but I shook my head. "Don't."

Louis frowned, stopping dead in his tracks. "What did I do?"

"'Yes, that's right, love. Scream my name.'" I recited, mainly because the voices were still shouting at me in my head. Mocking me. Louis' face showed now that he knew exactly what I was talking about.

"A-Avery.." His words were still slurring, but I shook my head. "No. Don't 'Avery' me. I can't fucking believe you. We're done, Louis." I snapped, spinning on my heel and running back out of the club. On my way out, I saw Harry staring at me with a look of sympathy and shock.

I couldn't believe it.

Louis Tomlinson actually broke my heart.


Don't hate me. I love you.
Vote for Chapter 27.

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