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Avery's POV
"Babe! Get off!" I laughed, trying to shove Harry off of me as he tickled the living shit out of me.

"Say it!" He exclaimed, laughing afterwards and continuing to tickle my sides.

"No!" I protested, trying to grab Harry's hands to shove them away from my side. Although it was a fail as he still tickled me, and I was laughing too hard to try and stop him.

"Say. It." Harry said in a more serious tone which was followed by a small chuckle, taking both of my arms and pinning them above my head. We were both breathing heavily on the couch, and Harry was straddling me as I laid underneath of him.

"Say what?" I giggled innocently, looking up at him with that innocent look. He smirked lightly, playfully rolling his eyes.

"'Harry is the sexiest person alive.'" He recited, resulting in another giggle escaping from lip. "I'm sorry, what?" I smirked up at him, my arms still pinned above me.

"Babyy." He groaned, carrying out the 'Y'. I playfully rolled my eyes, looking up at Harry. "Harry is the sexiest person alive." I officially gave in, causing a smile to break out on his face.

"That's more like it." He murmured, leaning down and placing a kiss on my lips. I smiled into the kiss, reaching my arms up and wrapping them around his neck.

"Ah! My eyes!" A voice screeched, and Harry pulled away a little too quickly, falling onto the floor next to the couch. I sat up fast, turning my head and seeing Niall standing in the doorway, his hands covering his eyes.

God dammit, Niall. Every time.

"I'm gonna go rinse my eyes out with holy water now." Niall spoke awkwardly, turning towards the kitchen and walking away. He didn't remove his hands from his eyes, so he ran right into the doorframe to the kitchen.

My hand flew to my mouth, trying to prevent myself from laughing out loud. Niall grunted, and when his hands fell from his face he turned to look at me, a red tint forming on his cheeks.

Niall quickly disappeared into the kitchen, and I turned my gaze back to Harry, who had stood up. "What time is it, love?"

He turned around to look at the clock, humming softly. "Almost 3:00." He answered, turning back around to look at me on the couch.

My eyes almost popped out of my head, realizing I had work in a half hour. "Shit." I mumbled, standing up quickly to go upstairs. "What's wrong love?" Harry asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

"I have to go to work." I pouted, leaning up on my tiptoes to peck Harry on the lips. Harry frowned, "Don't leave me." He begged playfully.

"I have to, but only until 7." I explained, giggling a bit after. Harry sighed, reluctantly nodding his head.

I made my way up the stairs, a little pep in my step. When I turned the corner to head towards my room, I bumped directly into someone, causing me to start to fall backwards. Before I could hit the ground, an arm flew around my waist, and a body was hovering above mine. My breath hitched in my throat when I realized who caught me.

"Might wanna watch where you're walking, love." Louis teased, chuckling lightly as he helped me back to my feet. I blushed lightly, nodding as I tucked a strand of loose hair behind my ear. "Y-Yeah." I stuttered, looking down at my feet.

"Why you in such a hurry?" He asked, still standing in front of me, blocking the way to my bedroom.

"I have work in a half hour." I smiled lightly, lifting my head back up so I was looking at him. He nodded, letting out a small 'Ah'.

"When will you be back?" What was this, an interrogation? I didn't have the time to be questioned by my ex-boyfriend.

"7:00." I mumbled, looking around him to see my closed bedroom door. So close, but yet so far.

"Okay, love. I'll talk to you later then, yeah?" He smirked slightly, and before I could say anything else he leaned forward, placing a kiss on my cheek. Then, he walked off, leaving me completely dumbfounded.

I shook my head, erasing the memory of what had just happened, and made my way into my bedroom.

I quickly changed into my boring old work attire, which was really just a white blouse, black jeans, and white sneakers. It wasn't my choice of everyday clothing, but as long as I earned money, you could dress me up in a tutu for all I care. Grabbing my bag, I headed back downstairs into the living room, where everyone else was by now.

Harry jumped up from the couch, making his way over to me. He pulled me close as his arms snuck around my
waist, planting a soft kiss on my lips. "Have fun at work. I'll miss you." He chuckled, and I playfully rolled my eyes, smiling up at him.

"4 hours of me being gone. What ever shall you do?" I teased, playfully sticking my tongue out at him. He smirked, leaning down and kissing me softly again.

"Goodbye, lovely." He spoke once we pulled away, and I opened the front door, grabbing my car keys off the counter.

For some reason, hearing the word 'lovely' come out of Harry's mouth stung. It brought back memories of all the times Louis called me by that nickname.

Shaking the thoughts out of my head, I got into my car quickly, igniting the engine.

Another day of work, here I come.


Vote for Chapter 39.

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