☾hapter LXVI

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Third person POV :

The streets were in turmoil as a carriage slowly made its way through the bustling crowd, bearing two sworn enemies who sat in grim silence, locked in a tense face-off.

" So... Your reports say you were victorious ? Ignorance is a frightening thing". Zeke remarked, his gaze fixed on the jubilant revelers.

Levi's eyes narrowed, his voice dripping with malice," I'm going to kill you, send your corpse to Marley... And reveal everything about your plot. It'll probably spell the end for your grandparents. 

But if this 'secret plan' of yours is real... I wouldn't mind waiting a little longer before slicing you to pieces. I don't care either way".

Zeke couldn't help but scoff," I'm oh-so-grateful for your generous words. But I think you need to let me meet Eren first, okay? Moreover, I find it hard to believe that little Anelise is really dead... Aren't you a naughty liar, eh, Levi ?".

Levi's icy glare remained fixed on Zeke as he chose to ignore the taunts, his expression a silent promise of retribution if the opportunity arose.

" Think you could stop glaring at me ?". Zeke wondered aloud, trying to break the tension.

Meanwhile, Eren seemed to have descended further into darkness. The aura he emitted was akin to that of his cell—empty and cold. 

" If we don't fight... We can't win... Fight. Fight". Eren muttered to himself, his voice tinged with determination.

His words hung in the air, almost as if they were a mantra driving him forward

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His words hung in the air, almost as if they were a mantra driving him forward.

" What're you doing ?". A voice interrupted.

Eren's gaze shifted towards the person who had just addressed him. His eyes remained void of emotion, fixed on the reflective surface before him.

" Were you talking to that mirror ? Hey...". Hange inquired, a note of curiosity in their voice.

Eren offered no response, his focus unbroken as he continued to peer into the mirror. It was as though he believed it held the key to some hidden truth or the power to resurrect something he desperately longed to see again.

Growing impatient with the silence, Hange prodded further," You were just talking to your reflection in that mirror, weren't you ? You told yourself to fight... Right ? You said 'fight, fight.' You said it twice".

Still, Eren remained silent, and an eerie coldness enveloped the cell.

Hange sighed, their persistence undeterred as they ventured another attempt," I'll never get it if you don't speak up. I don't think it's normal for people to talk with no one else there... At least, I've never struck up a conversation with my reflection. 

Anyway, I think that hairstyle looks good on you ! It's messy, like you're trying to say you're working too hard to bother fussing over it !".

" What are you doing here ?!". Eren suddenly erupted, his voice sharp and demanding.

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