☾hapter XXIII

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Third person POV :

Wall Maria, Shiganshina District :

Ymir, Reiner, and Bertholdt stood exhausted on the Wall Maria.

" Damn it... Now I've really done it... Why did I...". Ymir said, tears welling up in her eyes.

" Ymir, why did you come to our side ?". Reiner asked, his expression filled with confusion.

Ymir huffed," Well, it must be because I'm an idiot. I'm here so you'll have something to hand over. You guys can't go home empty-handed, right ?".

" Do you understand that there's no hope of you being rescued if we go home from here? If you're going to run... Now's the time". Reiner said, his tone deadly serious.

" What are you talking about ? Dumbass. I'm tired out, I've just had enough. I'm done". Ymir retorted, frustration evident in her voice.

" Ymir... Why did you rescue me ?". Bertholdt inquired, his voice tinged with gratitude.

" Maybe because I heard your voice... If you hadn't come to destroy this wall, I would've been stuck in an endless nightmare. All I did was repay a debt. I'm the only one who knows about your situation, or maybe Nizzy too, who knows... 

And I'm the same way, I was hopeless on my own". Ymir explained, her words heavy with meaning.

" Thank you, Ymir. I'm sorry". Bertholdt told her, tears glistening in his eyes.

" It's fine... Being a goddess doesn't feel so bad, either". Ymir said to them with a bittersweet smile. 

She raised her hand toward the moon, as if searching for something she could never reach. The sense of freedom she felt in this moment was something she knew would soon vanish. 

Anelise's POV :

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Anelise's POV :

We returned to Wall Rose, where Rico quickly tended to Historia. Eren carried me up the wall in his arms, while Hannes looked after Mikasa.

My fever was making it hard to keep my eyes open. It was clear that I had overexerted myself.

" The 104th has got the devil's luck. I can't believe we got out of that alive. Not sure about the Titans we were up against". Jean stated, expressing his disbelief.

" Set them down gently". Ian instructed Eren.

Hannes did the same with Mikasa, being cautious due to her injured ribs.

" I... I don't want to go back to a hospital bed". I muttered, frustration evident in my voice.

" Sorry, Anelise, but you have no choice". Ian told me.

I furrowed my brow," Mom, I can help... Mika, where is Mika ?".

Ian and Eren exchanged panicked glances.

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