☾hapter X

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" Well said. You're quite the man. Staff officers, assemble ! Prepare to strategize !". Ordered Pixis.

" What ? Seriously ? Calling this plan 'optimistic' would be an understatement. How can we just go ahead with it ?". Armin said uncertainly.

" I agree with you... but it's pointless to question his decision. I'm sure Commander Pixis can see something we can't". Eren told us.

I thought about what Eren had just said before nodding. I think I see where he's going with this.

Armin also seemed to think," Something we can't see ?".

" Besides, there's probably a fundamental issue to deal with before executing the plan. I'm sure the Commander is fully cognizant of that". Eren explained.

" Which means...". Armin's voice trailed off.

Armin seemed to realize what Eren was getting at.

" The Titans aren't our only enemies". Eren stated.

I think we could see this throughout the day that we spent. God, I can't wait to go to sleep... I thought, just thinking about the day we've had.

Armin frowned," Huh ?".

We don't have time to answer Armin because Pixis turned to us and spoke," Time is of the essence. We have a role for you to fulfill, young soldiers".

I could hear soldiers arguing down the wall. The Commander will have to intervene and quickly, because anarchy is near.

Pixis called Eren, probably to talk to him in more detail about the upcoming operation. I stayed close to Armin to work out a plan with the strategists.

" Armin, we should be careful with these surroundings here; the Titans might take us by surprise". I advised, pointing to the place I'm talking about on the map.

Armin nodded his head," You're right, good point Anelise. We mustn't leave anything to chance".

He was right. The slightest mistake could be devastating. My hands get sweaty as I imagine that the fate of the rest of humanity depends on us and this plan that just looks like a poker game. The only factor that worries me is Eren's powers. We don't know anything about his powers yet, and what if he loses control ?

I watched Eren and Pixis talking in the distance; he seemed to be handing him something. Eren immediately ended up spitting out the alcohol Pixis gave him. I started laughing. Oh no, I wish I'd taken a picture of that; it's hilarious ! I can't wait to tease him about it.

 Oh no, I wish I'd taken a picture of that; it's hilarious ! I can't wait to tease him about it

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Pixis returned after a few minutes with Eren. Armin, the Garrison strategists, and I engaged in conversation with him about the plan we had devised together. Unfortunately, it would never be a flawless plan, given the numerous unknowns tied to Eren's powers.

I felt a sense of relief that the Commander had finally decided to step in. The cacophony of soldiers' voices had become unbearable.

Pixis moved closer to the edge of the wall, Eren at his side. The sunlight was casting a favorable glow on Eren. I shook my head, berating myself for such thoughts. This wasn't the time to be distracted by such things, Anelise.

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