☾hapter LVIII

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Third person POV :

The Warriors had finally returned to their families, and Reiner was wrestling with his increasingly contradictory beliefs. Throughout his life, he had been indoctrinated to view Eldians as nothing but devils, the embodiment of pure evil. 

However, since witnessing their reality firsthand, he found himself torn between what he had been taught and what he now felt. He couldn't bring himself to think of them as the monsters he was told they were, but voicing such a sentiment was out of the question. His mother barely recognized him anymore.

What had driven him all along was his desire to change his family's miserable existence. He vividly remembered a night when his mother confided in him, lamenting her Eldian heritage and longing to be a Marleyan to escape their wretched life. 

It was from that point on that Reiner had resolved to train relentlessly alongside Annie, Bertholdt, and Marcel to become a Warrior. Bertholdt's Titan was a destructive force, a deity of annihilation, yet their efforts ultimately led to the loss of the Colossal and Female Titans.

As time passed, everything he thought he knew morphed into a bewildering mix of emotions, dominated by guilt and incomprehension. The relentless urge to end his own life weighed heavily on him, but he was acutely aware that there were still people relying on him out there.

On this particular morning following their return, Reiner strolled through the city with Gabi, who appeared lost in thought. Together, they approached a Marleyan soldier.

" To HQ". Reiner instructed, handing over a note.

" Already onto the next war ?". The Marleyan soldier inquired.

" It appears so. Business is booming". Reiner replied.

Turning his attention to Gabi, the soldier probed," So, did you make yourself useful the other day, kid ?".

Gabi ignored his questions and simply handed him a note, saying," Here. Same as always. Training at HQ".

The two soldiers exchanged perplexed glances as Gabi walked away in silence.

" What's with her ? I was sure she'd want to tell us all about it". The first soldier remarked, his irritation evident.

" She was unusually quiet today". The other soldier added, watching Gabi closely.

Reiner, too, sensed the shift in Gabi's demeanor. The energetic girl who had returned home the previous day full of stories now seemed subdued, almost melancholic.

" What's troubling you, Gabi ? You seem down". Reiner inquired.

Gabi took a moment to gather her thoughts before responding," It's you, Reiner. You've been acting strangely. You're...keeping something from us".

Reiner's eyes widened in surprise," Keeping something ? What do you mean ?".

" I don't know what it is, but Aunt Karina seems to have noticed it too. Ever since you returned from the Island alone, you've been different. She's really worried about you". Gabi explained.

Reiner chuckled softly," Well, I did come back as a middle-aged man to her twelve-year-old son. It's only natural she'd be concerned".

" One day, I want you to tell me the truth. They say blood relatives have a better chance of inheriting memories when one of the Nine Titans is involved. Isn't that what the scientists say ?". Gabi pressed.

" Yeah". Reiner replied simply.

" If I inherit the Armored Titan, then you'll probably live on inside me, Reiner. We'll understand even the things too painful to put into words. So don't worry. I'm sure...that if we work together, we can pave a better future for Eldia". Gabi assured him.

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