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I just finished my classes, and I must say, I'm absolutely exhausted ! Seriously, this teacher must be crazy for wanting to teach until 8pm. I despise finishing so late... Honestly, who is still focused on civil law at 8pm... My brain feels like it's about to shut down.

As I stepped out of the building, a wave of relief washed over me. I decided to put on some music to accompany my walk to the train station. It always helps to motivate me and make the journey less monotonous. Music is my solace, and there's not a single day that goes by without me listening to my favorite tunes. It's an integral part of my life.

I reached for my phone and scrolled through my playlist. After contemplating for a moment, I settled on a track by Jax Jones and MNEK titled 'Where Did You Go'. Perfect ! It's just the kind of upbeat song I need to energize myself for the walk ahead.

As I walked, I pulled up the train schedule app on my phone to check when the next train would arrive. To my dismay, it was still a good 20 minutes away. Waiting was not an option for me. Determined not to miss this train, I decided to pick up the pace and run. Luckily, the motivating music I had chosen provided an extra boost of adrenaline.

Frustration started to build up within me. I hated being in this kind of situation, feeling stressed and anxious about catching a damn train. If I didn't have a heart attack from all the accumulated stress one day, it would be nothing short of a miracle. Despite it all, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as I noticed the bewildered expressions on the faces of people watching me sprint like I had the devil on my tail.

Just as I thought I had a clear path, a guy suddenly appeared, blocking my way on the sidewalk. I shot him an exasperated look, silently pleading for him to move aside. Thankfully, he got the message and stepped out of my way. Thank God for small mercies !

I continued to run for another ten minutes, feeling the burn in my legs, before finally reaching the train station. A sense of relief washed over me as I realized the train had just arrived. My legs had carried me in the nick of time.

Boarding the train, I felt a twinge of happiness as I noticed that it wasn't too crowded. I could finally find a seat and rest after the long and tiring day I had endured. After a few minutes, the train pulled out of the station, and as expected, the ticket controller approached me to check my ticket, following the usual routine.

As I settled into my seat, I gazed out of the window, mesmerized by the night sky and the twinkling stars beginning to emerge. In that moment, a pang of longing for a different, more exciting life struck me. I yearned for adventure and a break from the monotony of my daily routine. I couldn't help but let out a sigh, reminding myself to be grateful for the life I had. "Be content, Anelise. Your life is good, so stop complaining". I scolded myself silently.

Yet, deep down, I knew that human nature often craved more than what we had. It seemed we were never truly satisfied. Lost in my thoughts, I realized that I still had at least 20 minutes left on the train, offering me some time to rest and unwind.

Ten minutes later, I suddenly jolted awake, disoriented and confused. I looked around, searching for any sign of other passengers, but the train seemed eerily empty. Panic started to rise within me. Was I alone ? I frantically reached for my bag and grabbed my phone, hoping to find some answers or anyone who could shed light on the situation.

I decided to investigate further, cautiously making my way towards the front of the train. However, as I walked through the cars, something felt off. The train started to curve unexpectedly, preventing me from venturing any further. Confusion mixed with fear gripped me tightly. What on earth was happening?

Suddenly, I realized that my voice was trapped in my throat. I couldn't scream or call for help. Thoughts raced through my mind, and a desperate plea for assistance lingered within my thoughts. But before I could comprehend the situation fully, the train veered off the track, hurtling towards a bridge, and darkness engulfed me as I lost consciousness.

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