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I was tired by all that chasing game so I walked slowly slowly and it made me 10 minutes late for lecture. I opened the door to take peek if I should enter the class or not. I was observing and suddenly I was pushed into class by few students who were also late.

They sided me and moved to where ever they got empty sits. I was still processing and saw Celina, she had left a place for me, well she is smart. Come fast, she waved to me pointing behind that principal is on round. I rushed towards my sit but was got tangled with my shoe lace and was landed infront of Lee.

I was literally so close to his face and my eyes were fixed with him but my mind said, today you can't ignore him. And he holded me by my arm so I stabled myself. And moved quickly moved away when Jonson cleared his throat. Give me your bag and tied your shoe lace first, you don't know how which part you have to hurt now, Celina said.

Actually our teacher was teaching but before we all came she had gone to take topic for next project. So we all entered in class.

I was sitting next to Lee in girls line opposite side of him and beside me Celina as always. Actually they are our fixed places now. I turned by face to celi and started talking, she was facing me when she can also see Lee.

In between our talk Celina said, he is looking at you and want to talk to you. I could feel his eyes on me but I was ignoring and evening telling Celina to ignore him atleast for now.

Ami are you okay? I heard a soft voice. I couldn't control anymore and turned towards him and just nodded yes not looking at him but downwards. And put my head under my arms. Teacher came and told us the project topic and and it was individual project. Thankfully we didn't have practicals for two days and today was half-day. so I could ignore him till then hopefully.

All this time I could feel his gaze during lecture but not ones I had courage to look at him.

As it was last lecture and when bell rang I stared packing my back. Celina said to me dude wait I'll pack it for you, but as she had much stuff infront of her to pack I thought to do it myself.

I saw someone kept their hand on my bag. I hate when anyone touch my back so I tried to pull my bag but I wasn't able to. I looked up in anger and saw those dark black eyes with little sadness. I felt pain in my hurt.

He took one of my hand and placed his hand on mine which was on my bag before. He left after that and I looked it was my favourite candy and looked in his direction and he turned i smiled at him and he's gone.

We were going to cafe. What's wrong with you guys you both always fight, I'm meaning without any reason. You yourself make situation awkward between both of you. Can't you stay together atleast for few minutes. I don't like that you both are distant with each other. I feel sad for you guys,Celina said in one goo.

Okay fine I whispered. What fine I want proper answers to my questions and don't worry same goes that bastard Lee. I never saw her worried so much so I said okay, I'll try to be normal and again be as we were before happy.

When we reached cafe we took our sits. Then I noticed some great faces infront of me which made me curse. Celina finally you saw the view. Lee, Steve, Kaliey and her one two friends were having snacks and smiling laughing.

I grinned my teeths. But then I thought why he is affecting me so much now a days. Just fuck him and enjoy you order, said Celina. We were munching our food when my and his eyes meet. We both chocked, and My so called friend Celina started laughing.

She offered me water and I drank it, she offered water to Lee also and the same bottle. I finished my food as fast as I can and leave from their. We got home.

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