A night owl

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Lee's Pov

When I saw Amira today, that was after a weak, my heart skipped a bit. I was so happy to see, i missed talking to her, our daily text and all.

I don't know what happened but we both didn't talk to each other for days, i wanted to tell her what I did during those days but I couldn't and they were really bad days atleast for me, I don't know about her.

When she was so close to me, i didn't want her to go, she was angry but for what? When I saw her hand was bleeding I could feel her pain even if she was not showing it. When she gasped in pained I was worried, so took I took the first aid kit from Celina and did dressing myself.

I scolded her, how can she be so careless but in that situation too she was ready with dad joke, blaming the stone. When I didn't react to her joke she said me to laugh. How can I laugh when she was in pain and I left the room shaking my head.

Now I'm sitting in living room with Celi and my friend. We three where talking about college work, when we heard tapping of basketball. We all turned to see and their Amira was coming while playing basketball. My friend snatched ball from her, he likes teasing her.

Can't you be quite even for a second, Celina saying this she made her sit beside me. She was sitting few inches away from me and I was looking at her. As soon as she sat she took her phone out of her pocket started surfing her phone.

Let me tell you she is so much a phone insect like whenever you see her she will be on her phone. Suddenly she had a notification I took a peak to see who's it was and saw her internet friend texted her. She was talking to him without releasing that we all were staring at her.

Celina said, let's play carrom guys. As soon as Amira heard carrom she put her phone aside. Celina to my other side whispered in my ears that she likes to play carrom. She put her phone aside and I brought the carrom from other room and started to play.

Amira and my friend were a team and me and Celi. Amira was really good at that she wrapped almost the whole game quickly on other side me and Celi were struggling to win. Now it was time to have a queen. Whoever gets a queen will be winner Amira said.

Hi-fi dude she said to my friend, both hi-fied and she got the queen in a blink of eye. She screamed yeahhhhh... both my friend and she hugged each other. I was feeling a bit irritated pulled him away from her. Amira rolling her eyes.

Now we should go babe, Amira said to Celina. Yeah, we should bye Steve bye Lee, Celina said and hugged me, in returned I hugged her. By that Amira was already outside the room, everyone screamed, this girl and her phone.

At 7:45 me and my friends were going to mess for dinner. We reached their and the waiter served us the plate with food. After eating we went for a walk. We are having our friends time but deep down I was waiting for Amira's text.

We came back to hostel, and directly went to our particular rooms to sleep. Me, Steve and Rehan in one room and in other Jonson, Ben and Smith.

It was already 2:15 I had a notification on my phone. I was half asleep so I heard a beep and with trying to open my eyes I saw the text. It was from Amira. I fucking lost my sleep, i was smiling. Hey!!! Everything's good right? your hostel neighbours or your owner didn't say you anything because you brought girls to your room, she messaged.

Yeah she is a night owl, she usually is awake till late.

After reading it the smile was faded. She just asked about this and not what happened today between us!! I was disappointed yeah a lil bit. So I only reply no and send a thumb emoji. She read it. She was still online. But then I thought to ask her about her wound but again no, she is awake till now she must be great my mind thought. I send her a good night and kept my phone and slept.

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