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Lee came out with Celina and their group. They were walking and Lee noticed that Amira was not their. He asked Celina where Amira gone? He said that squirt was supposed to meet me, that brat gone without saying  bye!! Scoff. Celina, she has to go to meet her long time friend.

Everyone were on their way going home and Celina and Lee were together going. Celina bro, so did anything you both settle with, smirking. Lee, Don't you dare think any dirty! We just practiced.... Celina, really! Amira told me everything that your did more practice. Lee, no way, I just helped her with getting dressed.... A silence between two after hearing this.... Walking and walking. Celina, what you helped her, like why I didn't know about this, where the hell was I, I missed such an satisfying view!. Lee, Celi... When did you turn into so horny person. Celina, no I'm seriously asking... Because Ami had different charm today.

While talking they reached to their places. Celina's mom was already waiting for her so they didn't talk further and said bye. Around late night, Celina and Lee were having talks, where Lee said now we have got close enough that we share each things... So I want to tell you something which I lied about. Celina, Lee I what is it? She was angry that he didn't tell her about something but she couldn't do anything so she nicely asked him. Lee, okay so the day I first talked to Amira, I told her that I had an girlfriend!.

The moment Celina read the text from Lee she was on fire.... That the truth of him being in relation was lie. She ordered him to meet outside at that right moment. Lee, no I'm tired, can we talk tomorrow ( he was surely afraid that Celina would make shit out of him). Celina was already waiting out between her house and his hostel road. She called him telling to come out. Lee, I'll go now atleast I won't get insulted infront of everyone. He goes and saw Celina very angry. Celina, grabbing him by neck, why the fuck you lied to me.... All now and then I was thinking you had a girl in your life. Lee, no man! I never had one, but when I heard Amira likes me, I didn't feel anything about that time, I said it to make Amira stop thinking about me, but it turned out be different. Celina, so you telling me you thought about her really! Lee, I think I too started to like her now but I'm not sure. Celina, tell her maybe you both will explore your feelings in mean time.

No I'm not, I don't want her hopes to get high, I can't see her sad, Lee said. Talking all this with Lee Celina was calm. Celina, I'm waiting to happen good to you both. No one gone be more happy than me. Ok bye, meet you and Amira tomorrow, said Lee.

Tomorrow morning second lec

Amira didn't wanted to rush in morning so she gone to second lecture. When she reached in class back benches were already filled, she saw first bench having one place empty were Celina was sitting. She gone and sat before teacher coming near Celina.

Lee was sitting on right in other line, she didn't saw him. As she sat, Celina tuck her pointing to Lee, who was already smiling (a teasing smile)at her.... She saw him and hided her under her arms. Yeah, she remembered yesterday's scene. Teacher came in and passed the attendance sheet to girls first line, the sheet came passing and Amira wrote her and Celina's roll number. She has to give boys the sheet so yea, Lee was right her side she called his name passing the sheet. While taking the sheet Lee said, saw you blushing yesterday, smirk. Amira, forced smile thinking was it' necessary to bring that now.! Scoffed.

During lunch all their group gone to have lunch they were sitting, everyone ordered their food, eating, chatting. They all finished with eating, going back to class Amira, Celina and Lee were walking. Celina, Lee and Ami how about you both give me icecream party for your yesterday moments. Both were embarrassed, meanwhile Amira, you told her.... About that. Lee, nope but yes she is my bestie. Amira, enjoy besties and she gone from their.

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