Cute Little Fights

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In morning Amira got late for college.... she was running and bumped into Lee. She didn't even see who it was and just said sorry and started running.

Finally she reached to the class as soon as she opened the class door, teacher gave her death look. She quitely gone and sitted near Celina.

Again door opened, they were Lee and his friends. Teacher taunted were you all together? How come you all came one after another.

Amira was still in sleepy world... All boys came in and while coming Lee stared at Amira but she didn't react, so he knocked on her table and boom she was fully awake.

She saw upward dark black eyes, thick eyelashes were staring at her. And Lee sat opposite to Amira's seat.

Writer's pov
It was last row of girls as from next boys row was starting.
First bench in girls line - Amira, Celina
Next row first bench in boys line - Lee, his friend. (Where Amira was sitting just to her side Lee's friend and next to him Lee).

Amira was turned back and was talking with other gurl while she just saw to Lee he was already looking at her while talking to his friend. Both gave smile to each other.

When classes finished Celina was having chatt with Lee, and other guys... Amira joined them. (Fact that Amira made lot of guy friends during this period and was also mischievous with them). She gave high-five to all guys except Lee as she was shy talking to him.

They were walking and talking in the corridor while Lee just indirectly teasing Amira

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They were walking and talking in the corridor while Lee just indirectly teasing Amira. said to Celina, bro... Tell your bestfriend to talk more... No one will get frightened with her voice.

Amira wanted to kill him at that moment but ofcourse she won't. All gone on their ways.

Amira called Celina on her route... As Celina picked her call, Amira blasted like an bomb saying Bitty( Amira used to call Celina with that name meaning very small).

Amira : Bitty, tell your friend to behave properly with me or I'm going to kill him one day for sure. That brat, bitch, sapian etc etc.

A strong voice cutting her said, gurl you speak, I thought you were mute. In reply Amira said... boy can't you have normal talk with me... And where is Celina, why are you with her. And she declined the call.

(Lee's hostel was near Celina's house so there routes were same).

Next day in afternoon

Amira was on her scooty coming to college, Lee also reached there at same time and was supposed to enter in gate but he stopped seeing Amira coming.

She parked her scooty outside the gate and getting in she took her cell and called Celina - where are you Bitty? meanwhile she thought of getting some choclates to eat between lectures.

Lee was watching all these. Amira took chocolates and was going further, Lee came from nowhere standing infront of her. She was still~~~

Lee : Hii Mira squirt ( he used to tease her) ! My chocolates, showing his hand...

Amira : shook his hand off

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Amira : shook his hand off... saying my name is Amira... And who are you? Ohh, I remember you are that boy who can't talk properly!!!

A voice from back Henlo Guys, Celina shouted, she came and hold both of there hands and walking... She noticed that Amira and Lee had cute little fight again... she said both fought again??.. no reply... She sighed.

No class scene.... Just same stuff

At night Amira texted Lee

Amira : Its Amira here!

Lee : Oh! Henlo Mira squirt,

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Lee : Oh! Henlo Mira squirt,

She didn't expect him to reply so fast...
She was shy, confused, blushing

Amira : Amira, fine I'm not talking brat (laughing suspiciously)

Lee : Chill, Mira.... Amira, where did you get my number?

Amira : I have my ways.

Both talked about there stuffs , etc.

I know it must be boring reading about lecture and classes but all these story happened there so I can't help. Hope you all enjoy reading!
If any mistakes please tell me.....

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