One Weak

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From that day it's been a weak Lee and Amira didn't contact each other. Even Amira didn't ask about him to Celina.

During this weak Amira and Lisa always meet at the hotel during lunch break or after college as Lisa used to always call her to meet even it was for few minutes but she used to say no, and Lisa would ask her with cute voice and their Amira always fall for her cuteness..

There even Lee and his friends used to come their during that time. Both Amira and Lee never looked at each like they were ignoring each other.

Sunday afternoon

Celina asked Amira to come at her home because they didn't spend time with each due to this college work. Amira reached her home.

Celina: So Ami, let's go to park, I'm missing the days we used to enjoy.

She took her to the park, their they had so much fun. While they were returning Amira just tingled Celina, as Celina is sensitive she just lost her balance but managed to stand properly. Amira started to run and Celina behind her.

Looking back while running Amira just slipped because of a stone and her hand was bruised and her hand filled with blood as blood was continuously flowing.

Celina increased her peace and reached near Amira and tore her scraf to cover the wound and stop the bleeding. Celina, Amira is it paining so much, I'm sorry I shouldn't have ran behind you. Amira, no bro it's not your fault I was running blindly and chill I'm okay, it's not paining much, she was looking down. Celina didn't speak, she was feeling bad.

They were 5 minutes away from Celina's home. Continuously walking and Celina saw Lee and his friends coming to their direction. This time I'll make them talk. She waved at Lee. Lee to waved at her. Amira was still looking at her wounds and walking, not having any idea of Lee coming towards her.

Let's cross road, Celina said by holding Amira's hand. They were very close to  reach Lee. And Lee came jogging towards them. He just stopped and was breathing heavily. Amira bumped her head to his chest.

She was going to fall but he pulled her. Now her hands were on his shoulder which can feel his heartbeats running fast. They were so close. She looked at him and those dark, black eyes were bright, shiny and were staring at her with happiness.

She too was drown into those eyes and came back to sense when they heard Celina was laughing and clicking their photos. Amira took step back and started to walk and she wasn't able to go. She saw behind, Lee was holding her injured hand and was still glaring at her with amazement. He didn't proceed with what all happened just now.

Amira tried to remove her hand but he was holding it tightly. Celina tapped his shoulder. He was finally back to the real world. He looked at her as he wanted her to be with him. Amira pointed his attention towards to remove his grip on her hand.

He looked at were she pointed and lose his grip. Amira said to Celina walk fast we already are late. As she started walking and pressing her wound! Lee noticed it and again hold her to face him. What happened to your hand?, Lee asked. a....amm..she fe. Cutting Celina Amira said, nothing just normal bruises. Lee looked at Celina and she shook her head with no.

Lee tried to remove the scarf to see but Amira was not allowing him. She was moving and it pained. Ahh.... her little scream was heard by them. She was still not letting Lee to see it and Stand quietly, Lee shouted being worried. Hearing him loud voice, she was glued then an there. She never saw him getting angry or ever shouting.

He removed the scarf and saw that it started to bleed again as with their cute fight. He walked toward his hostel room dragging her with him and said one of his friend, go and find the first aid box, go fast.

His friend kept the door of their room open and prepared first aid box. He took her to his room, and made her sit on the bed. Amira was looking around and thinking that how quickly all this happened and she didn't even get to deny him to not take her to his room.
She was deep in her thoughts.

Suddenly she felt like burning sensation on her wound and she was out of her thoughts.! She whispered by closing her eyes.

Do it gently yaar Celi, Lee said her with concern in his eyes. Celina, then do it yourself as she handing him cipladine ointment. Lee took it, and said you can't do anything properly. Amira chuckled and looked at Celina. She winked! and gone into living room.

Now only two of them were in room filled with silence.

Lee, how can someone be so careless and started dressing her wound. The one who is careless was that stone which bumped with my leg, Amira said. Lee, finished and got up without any reaction and was going to bring her water.

You can laugh on my lame joke, Amira said. He shake his head and made his way towards living room where Celina and his friend were sitting.

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