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' neymar don't lie! '

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I straighten out my outfit as I get out of the car, Neymar walks over to my side of the car. "Babe, I would've opened the door for you," he tells me as he grabs me, "It's fine," I laugh as we walk into the building.

Today we were doing the GQ couple's quiz. Neymar was excited because he was fully convinced that he was going to get everything right about me. I knew he wouldn't because I threw some curveballs in there that I was sure he didn't know.

"I know I'm going to get every single thing right," Neymar boasts as we walk into the building, "Oh yeah?" I question, "Yeah, I know you like the back of my hand," he continues, "I'll remember that," I laugh.

"Hello hello!" the producer greets us as we walk into the room, "Hi!" I smile, "Are you guys ready for the quiz?" she asks, "Yes," I smile, "Alright, Y/N, I got all the questions you wanted to ask, and the proper answers. I have a copy of the cards and here are yours," she hands me the cue cards. "Perfect, thank you," I smile.

"Whenever you're ready, you guys can take a seat and we will begin," she tells us. "Ready?" I look at him, "As ready as I can be," he tells me.

We sit down facing each other and I look over the cue card.

The producer hands us one of their clapperboards. "Alright, whenever you're ready, go!" the producer encourages.

"Hi GQ, I'm Y/N L/N," "And I'm Neymar Jr." "And we're here to take the GQ couple's quiz," I introduce.

"Let's go," Neymar smiles as he smacks the clapperboard together.

"Okay, we're going to start easy, what is my favorite color?" I ask, "Oh that's easy, it's lavender," he smiles. "That's right," I look at the camera.

"Where was I born?" I ask him, "USA, New York specifically. Your mom was visiting because she was thinking about moving there, and then she went into labor," he describes, "That's correct, my mom is from Italy and my dad is from Poland, they wanted to relocate and yeah," I say.

"How many pets did I have growing up?" I ask him, "Oh that's hard," he thinks, "You had 5 right?" "Is that your final answer?" I ask, "5 is my final answer," "You're right!" I smile, "Bonus point if you know which animals," I tell him. "Oh no, 3 dogs, I know that. A cat? And a fish?" he questions, "Are you confident in that?" I ask, "Yes," he nods. "You are... wrong!" "What?!" he exclaims, "I had 3 dogs, a cat, and a turtle," I laugh, "I was close enough," he laughs.

"Alright, if I were to move anywhere in the world, where would it be?" I ask, "This seems too easy, Maldives," he answers confidently, "Nope," I say, "What?!" he freaks out, "I would move to Milan," I tell him, "Damn it! I thought that but it seemed too easy," he slumps in his chair.

"Such a pouter," I point to him.

He sits back up straight, "What is my favorite holiday?" I ask, "That's easy, Christmas. You love to spend time with family and friends, we always have a big Christmas party every year," he nods. "You're right," I smile.

He leans forward to kiss me, "I told you I know you too well," he laughs, "Right as you got the last 2 questions wrong," I tease, "Oh stop," he says.

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