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Neymar POV:

I look up from where I was sitting with Kylian, and I see Y/N being very friendly to Gerard Pique. He has a bit of a reputation in the soccer world, he literally cheated on his wife. I wouldn't put it past him to go for my girlfriend. I saw him try to grab her hand, and that was when I was officially pissed off. I stomp over there grabbed Y/N and grabbed our stuff quickly heading out the door.

We got into the car and I made it a point to slam my door. "God, what the fuck is your issue?" I hear her say, I look over at her giving her a dirty look. "Are you actually serious right now?" I said disgustedly, "Oh my fucking god, here we go again. You always have something to complain about" She rolls her eyes, "I don't but I won't sit here and let my fucking girlfriend throw herself on the biggest player in the soccer industry." I scoff as I speed off. "I wasn't fucking throwing myself on him. We were fucking talking, you're always so dramatic. Notice how I could care less if a girl talks to you, but god forbid I talk to another guy, you flip the fuck out!" she yells, "No I fucking don't! I flip out because you act like a whore!" I turn my head looking at her while I yell.

As I look at her side, I see a giant semi-truck coming straight at her side of the car. I try to beat it, but then I hear a giant boom. Our car was flipped over on its side. I remember seeing Y/N, her body slumped. "Y/N! Y/N!" I scream while trying to shake her, but she was limp. I was going in and out, but I just remember hearing sirens as I pass out. I was pulled out of the car, and I was fine. My head was hurting and my body was sore, I wasn't sure about Y/N. When the paramedics woke me up, I just saw my crushed car, lots of glass but no Y/N. I could hear a helicopter flying off, "Where's my girlfriend?! Where's Y/N?!" I panic, "Sir, she's going to be okay. She was taken off in the helicopter to go to the hospital for immediate surgery." I start to feel even more anxious. "I have to see her, I have to go!" I start to panic even more, "Sir, we will take you. You have to come with us, just take a deep breath." the paramedic instructs me. I comply and get in the back of the ambulance with them.

Once we got to the hospital, the doctors checked me out while I was waiting for Y/N. I had a concussion, but surprisingly no broken bones. I waited in the waiting room all night, I slept in the uncomfortable waiting chairs. I called her best friends and her family. Her family was flying in the very next day. I felt so guilty. All of a sudden a doctor comes out, he was in scrubs and surgical gear. "The family of Y/N L/N?" he calls out, I stand up. "It's me. I'm her fiancé." I lied, but I knew if I said boyfriend he wouldn't have said anything. He clears his throat, and his face softens. "I'm so sorry, she didn't make it..." that was all I heard, the rest of what he said seemed to go mute. My heart shattered, tears automatically streaming down my face. "No..." I mumble and shake my head. "No, there's no way!" I cry. The surgeon extends his hand onto my shoulder, "It'll be okay son, you can come and say your final goodbyes." he tells me. I follow him to the dimly lit room. There she was, her eyes closed, her skin looking greyish. I walk over, shaking my head.

"Baby?" I sob, "Please, open your eyes. Please!" I beg. Nothing, her body was as cold as ice. There was obvious bruising, but her face was still perfect. No external cuts on her face. I caress her perfect face, "Please come back." I sob even harder. Still nothing. I put my head down, touching hers. Her forehead was cold, there was no more warmth in my beautiful Y/N. My tears fell from my face onto hers, I press one last kiss onto her. "I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. I love you so much, you are the love of my life. It should be me in this bed, not you. You didn't deserve this. I am so sorry baby, I failed you. I will have to live with this for the rest of my life. I don't know how I am even going to live anymore. I am so sorry baby." I cry even harder. I stand up, trying to compose myself. I smile at the doctors as I left the room, walking out and calling Carol to come and get me.

It's been a week since Y/N died, and everyone has been extremely comforting. No one is blaming me, at least not out loud. Today was her funeral, I was dressed in my all-black suit that Y/N always loved. I had a ring in my pocket, the ring I was going to propose to Y/N with. I was going to slide it on her finger during my final goodbyes. I arrived at the funeral home, and Y/N's family was all there. Her mom walked up to me, her face was wet. She pulled me into a tight hug, "She loved you so much. So, so much Neymar." she cries. I press a kiss on her mom's head, "You have no idea how much I loved her." I cry to her.

I walk over to the casket, "Come on, let's give him time alone." I hear her mom say. I touch Y/N's lifeless hand. "I love you, I love you so much..." I choke out, "I am so sorry, you mean everything to me. I wanted to have a little soccer family with you. You are the light of my life, so beautiful, and always so kind to everyone. Your smile brightened the room, your jokes, and everything. I wanted to marry you and be with you forever. Grow old with you. I place this ring on your finger as a sign for another life." I sob while sliding the ring onto her finger. I press a kiss to her forehead and hold onto her for a while.

Eventually, everyone filtered back in, this funeral was sad. Y/N would've hated it, everyone being sad. She wanted to be remembered happily. I stood up on the little talking stage, "STOP! EVERYONE STOP!" I scream.


I was in a deep slumber when I kept feeling tossing and turning, "STOP!" I hear Neymar mumble in his sleep. I open my eyes, and he continues to do it. I started tapping him, "Ney... Neymar. NEYMAR!" I say getting louder and louder each time, he shoots up out of bed. He was sweaty and tears ran down my face, he looks at me like he'd seen a ghost. "Y/N?" he questioned, "Yes?" I respond, he pokes my face, then my shoulder, and continues to poke me. "Neymar what are you doing?" I ask him confused. "Is that really you?" he pants, "No... it's a ghost!" I joke, he looked petrified. "I was only kidding, of course, it's me." I laugh, and he suddenly pulls me in tightly to him. He kisses my neck repeatedly, I feel a couple of tears hit my neck.

I pull away, "Ney, what's wrong baby?" I say while caressing his face. "I thought you died." he cries, I pull him back into me. I rub his back. "It's okay baby, I'm right here." I coo. He continues to cry, "I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry." he cries. "It's okay, everything is okay." I let him cry. Once he is composed, "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask, "You... you died. I killed you. We got into a car accident, and you died because of me!" he starts to cry again, "It's okay baby, it was just a nightmare." I comfort him, "I'm so sorry, I would never hurt you. I am so sorry." he cries, and I continue to rub his back. "Just breathe baby, I'm right here," I whisper. He calms himself down, he looks up at me with his bloodshot eyes. I press a kiss to his lips, I make sure it was a long kiss. "It's all okay," I whisper. For the rest of the night, his head was on my chest, and he made sure to listen to my heartbeat as I slept.


A/N: this was kind of intense! anyway, keep sending your requests in!!<3

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