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A/N: this was a request!! dress you wore is above.


Neymar and I were at a party for New Year's Eve, it was hosted by Cristiano and Georgina, meaning every celebrity on planet Earth was invited. I was dressed in a tight little dress, and Neymar was in a graphic t-shirt and jeans. It is so easy for guys these days. What I didn't know was that my ex was going to be at this party which really threw me into a whirlwind. I can't blame Georgina or Cris, they shouldn't disinvite someone just for me.

We had arrived a while ago, Neymar had run off with Raphinha and Cris, and I was standing talking to Georgina and Taia, Raph's wife. We decided to go off to the dance floor, we started dancing around together, the drinks started hitting and I was a little tipsy. I saw from across the dance floor, my ex. Michael B. Jordan was standing right there. We made eye contact and I see him walk over to me. Neymar, still, was nowhere to be seen. "Hey Y/N/N." Michael smiles, "Hey! I didn't know you were here!" I shout over the music, we walk away from the speakers. "Yeah, Cris invited me." "That's really nice!" I smile, we didn't end on bad terms but it was just weird to be talking to him. We had small talk, laughing about old times. "Oh my god..." I try to catch my breath from laughing, hitting his knee "And do you remember when.." my sentence was cut off by me being dragged outside. 

I finally shake the hold when I see a pissed Neymar standing in front of me. "What the fuck Neymar?!" I scold him, "What the fuck are you doing talking to Michael?" "Oh my god, we were literally just having a friendly conversation." I roll my eyes, "You weren't being friendly, you were fucking flirting with him!" I narrow my eyes at him, "I wasn't fucking flirting, I was just having a fucking conversation." "You were touching his fucking leg! I saw it with my own fucking eyes, do you think I'm stupid?" "Neymar, you're being fucking dramatic. I'm going to walk away from this before it continues to get more and more heated." I say while putting my hand up and turning on my heel, leaving Neymar to seethe by himself.

Eventually, time went on, it was 11:58 and everyone was lining up with their New Year's kiss. I was alone by myself, Neymar was in the corner pouting, and Michael was in the opposite corner just staring at me. Michael walked up to me, everyone counting down. All of the sudden, he leaned in. I pushed him away of course, "Michael what the fuck are you doing?" I look at him offended, "I'm sorry, I thought..." he looks at me ashamed. Neymar stomps over, "What the fuck do you think you're doing? Trying to kiss my girlfriend." he points in his face, and Michael throws his hands up in defense. "My bad man, I didn't know she was taken." "Woah, Michael, you did know I was taken. I told you about Neymar literally while we were talking." I defend myself, he shrugged his shoulders. "I'm sorry." he tries to apologize. I just grab Neymar's hand and walk away.

I took Neymar and me outside to get some fresh air. We were sitting on the backyard porch, "I'm sorry amor." I say while grabbing his hand, he looks up at me. "I was so naive to think that he was just being friendly." "It's okay," he sighs "I was just nervous that you would leave me for him," he explains. I look up at him like he's crazy, I grab his face to look me in the eyes. "I would never leave you for him, I am with you for a reason." His frown turns into a smile. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you as I did." he says, "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have been so friendly with him. I love you, and only you." "It's okay amor, but we missed our New Year's kiss." "Yeah because you were about to have a throwdown." I laugh at him, which causes him to laugh. "Okay, now come here," he says pulling me into him. "Happy New Year, another year to us!" he says while looking at me and leaning in. 


A/N: another one!! keep sending your requests in, it is easier if you private message me!! 

neymar jr. imaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon