Chapter 13_Birth of a new demon lord_

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[Curent Location: The South military camp...]

"Man this is something else. Look guys the city is still on fire!" (Holy knight 6)

"Yas yes We get serves those monsters right. I mean "We want to build a peaceful city and coexist, with humans" Come on what's next will chickens want to run businesses? Will women want to vote... Ridicules!" (Holy knight 22)

"Yee serves them right serves those monsters... But I do want to know from what kind of wood those houses are made out of. That wood could probably burn forever-- Ahhh!!! Ahhh!!! It burns!!!" (Holy knight 6)

"Hey what happened-- Ahhh!!! Ahhh!!! Somebody please!!!" (Holy knight 22)

"Man!!! Listen up!!! We are under attack prepare for battle!!!" (Holy knight 1)

"What are those things!!!" (Holy knight 13)

"They are so powerful!!!" (Holy knight 25)

"Those are Dragonewt's!! Prepare your air defenses!!!" (Holy knight 9)

"There's so many of them!!!" (Holy knight 11)

The screams of the soldiers below only bring joy and encouragement to Gabiru's man.

"Destroy them all and leave no one alive. Those who dare oppose the future Demon lord Osamu Tempest may fall and be crust below our bots!!" Gabiru scremes to his solider.

"Now go out there and bring lord Osamu victory!!" (Gabiru)

"All hail the great lord Osamu!!!"""" (Dragonewt's)

As these words are said the Dragonewts disperse and each attacks a different part of the camp. But one of them lowered himself to the same level as humans and exclaims.

"I am known as Gabiru the leader of the Dragonewt and the one who serves the future Demon lord Osamu Tempest!! But there is no need for you to remember this!! " As he says he flays high into the air does a turn mid-flyte and starts vertically plummeting towards the ground.

"You only need to take it to your grave!!!" He screams and prepares his Vortex's spear.

"{Vortex spear: Underwater vortex}!!!" As he says this he hits the ground causing a massive water explosion. The water vortex quickly spreads, destroying more than a third of the camp.




[Curent Location: The North military camp...]

"Chaptan I have a report you need to hear." (Holy knight 17)

"What is it?" (Chaptan of the Holy Knight's)

"We have just lost contact with the South camp. We also haven't heard anything from the B patrol squad." (Holy Knight 17)

"Hmm... That is concerning... Order squad A to try and find the B squad. We can't do anything about the South not responding since they are on the other side of the city. But well probably soon hear from there. They will either send a request for aid or they just get bored of us. " (Chaptan of the Holy Knight's)

"Right away sir!" The knight says running out of the captain's tent. But only two seconds after leaving the tent...

"Who are you-- Ahhh!" The knight tries to ask someone a question but unexpectedly screams and is then cut leaving nothing but silence.

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