Chapter 25 - Past and Future combined

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Yo just a quick note! If this is 20/02/23 please for the love of god check that you're on chapter 24 and not 25! I meant to publish Chapter 24 last week but got them mixed up so basically y'all got the the wrong chapter also a week early lmao ;-; 

It was a peaceful morning on Dragon's Edge, birds were singing, dragons could be heard rumbling their awakening cries in the distance, and you woke up from a very suspiciously un-disturbed night of sleep with a wide yawn and stretch as you sat up to the rays of light coming through your hut windows.

This peaceful awakening was interrupted by Hiccup slamming your hut door open with a Terror Mail in his hand. "Y/N, we need to get to Berk now." He told you, checking that you actually had clothes on before ripping the covers off and pulling you unceremoniously out of bed. "Wha- Hiccup what the heck! You are so lucky I was already awake or I swear I would've-"

"It's dad, Y/N. Something's happened with dad and he's hurt, he's really hurt, so we have to go now." Your early morning rage was cut short by your brother interrupting you in a voice that conveyed way too much panic for this to be him over-reacting. You looked taken aback for a second before quickly pulling your boots on, swilling your mouth out with water and mint and gathering yourself before running with him down to the stables. Snotlout and Fishlegs were just getting to the stables too, when you sprinted past them and leaped on Shocker. Both gave each other concerned looks, mounting Meatlug and Hookfang and flying after you.

As soon as you and Hiccup landed outside your house you were both sprinting for the door, slamming it open harshly in your panic and seeing your father laid on his bed that had been moved downstairs for convenience and accessibility. He looked a sickly pale with large bags under his eyes, either he'd been getting way too little or way too much sleep. Gobber turned to the two of you with a solemn look as you sped over to your father's side, giving Gothi a thankful nod as she stepped away from him to let you closer.

"Dad? Dad, can you hear me?" You asked, raising your voice before lowering it as Gothi placed a hand on your arm, shaking her head to tell you not to disturb him. You bit your lip and felt a burning sensation at the back of your throat that you tried to swallow. "What...I don't understand, what happened?" Hiccup asked Gobber, coming up beside you and wrapping his arm around you as you let out a quiet sniffle.

"He was out on patrol and got ambushed. Put up one heck of a fight though." Gobber explained as you both turned to him. You felt Hiccup grip you tighter as he questioned Gobber as to just why your father had been by himself in this attack. You could barely speak for fear of letting tears fall and sputtering out a sob when you clearly needed to keep yourself together. "We were in the general vicinity, but you know your father he does what he wants when he wants." The man told you, guilt clearly racking him as he kept trying to explain the situation as Hiccup trembled with either anger or fear.

"It's ok Gobber, we understand. Things happen that we aren't prepared for in situations like this." You swallowed the burning feeling and nodded to the man who took a deep breath in and nodded in reply. "Look I- I'm sorry, Gobber. I guess I'm just...just..." Hiccup started before turning back with you to look at your father who still hadn't stirred a bit.

"It's alright, lad. We know, we all are."

Gobber's large arm wrapped around the both of you and brought you closer in a hug while Gothi gripped your hand in her small frail one. You all watched your father take shallow breaths, not knowing what on earth to do now.

After a half an hour or so, Hiccup got up and quietly told you he was going to get some more medical supplies with Gothi. When he left, you could hear the sounds of your friends asking him what was going on and how Stoick was. He didn't answer any of them from what you heard, probably just walking past them with the only thing on his mind being taking care of your father. You sighed, feeling bad for everyone that he'd ignored but knowing that you'd probably do the same or burst into tears if you were in his position.

Forgiveness; the re-writeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora