Chapter 28 - Trappers

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Am I publishing this chapter to tide y'all over for the next few weeks while I keep writing up the final chapters? Yes. Yes I am. ENJOY!!

- Last_Present

The first few months of living on Berserker Island were...stange. You hated to admit it, but they were. You were homesick a lot, taking every opportunity to fly to Berk and see your friends when they weren't visiting you and helping Hiccup with the new world map he was creating. Obviously, the homesickness made you feel terribly guilty for Dagur and Heather, but the two understood what it was like to adapt to new places and helped you as best they could.

They also helped Gustav, who had decided to make the move at 18 years old over to Berserker Island and lend his chaotic energy to your people instead of Berk's. "They didn't deserve you anyway!" You had told him with a laugh when he'd appeared out of the blue with most of his belongings on Fanghook's back.

Over time, you actually started feeling guilty about not seeing Berk as your home anymore with how much you began to love Berserker Island. Obviously, it would always be your home, the place you were brought up, the place where your brother, you and your friends helped change your part of the world in so many ways. But that chapter had come to an end now, and your new chapter as Chieftess of the Berserkers – or queen as Dagur always adoringly called you.

Your visits to Berk lessened as being a Chieftess took over a lot of your time, though when the sky and wind were calling to you, as well as your brother and Toothless, you didn't feel any shame in skipping out on your duties for a while to take some time with your brother.

"I can feel it, Y/N. He's going to ask me to be Chief soon, and what do I even say to that?? I mean you know me; I want to be out here! Flying around, discovering Dragons and Chiefing don't exactly mix." He sighed, slumping forwards slightly on Toothless who gave a croon of sympathy. You laughed quietly, leaning forwards yourself in your saddle as Shocker and Toothless glided through the air and above the clouds.

"It's not all bad you know, when you have people there to help you everything feels a lot easier. Besides, You were the one who led us against the Dragon Hunters, and you handled bringing peace with and the Outcasts, the Defenders of the Wing," You trailed off, still finding it funny to refer to yourself as a Berserker rather than Berkian. Hiccup groaned at all the good points you made, throwing his head back and staring up at the sky.

He did have a point. Being stuck on the ground as a Chief wouldn't suit him really. Even in old age, Hiccup would still be a free spirit, sneaking off to gods knew where and taking notes about the dragons and animals he discovered as well as coming up with exciting new inventions. Berk was starting to look like he was Chief already with the number of gadgets and systems he'd inserted.

"It's not me at all, Y/N. You know that, I mean after dad was injured I wasn't ready at all! I don't know if I'll ever be ready." He admitted, running a hand through his hair and bringing it back to his face to cover his mouth in exasperation. "Where you?" He asked you after removing his hand, finally looking at you fully as he asked a question that no one had seemed to even think of asking that much.

Had you been ready to be a Chieftess? To start planning and trading and consulting and making as many of your people happy as you could?

Not really, you thought. You knew you were ready to marry Dagur, that was for certain. You'd never felt more ready for anything more in your life. But you hadn't been trained to be a Chief in the way Stoick had tried to train Hiccup. Granted, diplomacy and ambassador lessons had worked a treat in solving issues amongst neighbours and some of your Berserkers, but you left the bigger jobs to Dagur, who in turn always tried to make sure to include you in on them with a small lesson of what to do.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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