Chapter 11 - Surprise!

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And the Dagur redemption arc begins!! I hope you all enjoy my 'still slightly feral but not as feral as before' Dagur :) 

"How's Heather?" Dagur asked Hiccup from where he was kneeling on the floor, completely distracted from telling him about how he had the massive change of heart. Oh, I hear you dear reader. What? When did this happen?

Well, last chapter, Y/N saw a small boat leaving the Dragon Hunter camp after the Rider's raid. She thought nothing of it, thinking it to only be fleeing Hunters. She only felt eyes on her for a moment before flying back to The Edge. On that boat was actually Dagur.

He had left the Dragon Hunters after making sure Heather was safe and Y/N was out of danger. Then he'd been adrift for a while, ended up shipwrecking on an island and having to live off the land to survive. He also learned a few tricks about dragons, specifically – and ironically – Changewings.

Unlike when he'd been on Dragon Island all those years ago, Dagur had learned about wild dragons. He'd grown to respect them a lot more now after having to live among them. With that resolve, he'd also grown to respect the Dragon Riders. He'd already resolved to improve himself when he left the Dragon Hunters, but now he is even more motivated to be a better person and prove himself to Y/N.

Getting back to the situation at hand, Hiccup blinked. He would've thought the first thing Dagur asked about was how you were.

"Oh, yeah you know...she's Heather. She's ok..." He couldn't answer with anything else, they'd heard nothing from her since her disappearance at the Dragon Hunter base.

"Good, good. And how is Y/N? Am I uh...allowed to talk about her...?" There it was.

Hiccup almost laughed at how timid Dagur sounded asking for permission to speak about his sister. "She's...fine..." Was all he could manage while staring awkwardly at Dagur.

He took in a breath and asked the question that had been weighing on his mind since Dagur had told him of the changes he was making to better himself.

"Is all it for her?" He asked slowly, not knowing what sort of reaction Dagur may have. If he was still one thing, it was unpredictable.

Dagur stiffened up slightly before letting a small smile cross his features. "For her, and Heather. And myself, I guess...when it was just me, even though I knew I loved Y/N, I was mostly fighting for myself. Consequences? Pfshhhttt."

He waved a hand away from his face, clearly forgetting that consequences for his actions were in fact not just 'pfshhhttt' but involved him going to prison.

Hiccup coughed back a small snort, which Dagur immediately picked up on. "What's so funny?" Well, no going back now Hiccup.

"You. This, I mean I knew you were crazy, but this takes the cake!" Hiccup admitted, then jumped back slightly as Dagur leapt to his feet and raised his fist with a snarl on his face.

"I AM NOT-" Noticing he was letting his anger take control again, he calmed himself down and winced at how shocked Hiccup looked. "Crazy...but, love makes you do crazy things. So, you're allowed to think that way." He sighed, going to tend the fire.

"Dagur why in the name of Thor should I believe anything you say? I mean, if you came back to Dragon's Edge with me and tried to explain all of this to Y/N, do you think she'd believe you? After everything you've done?" Hiccup realised his line of questioning was slightly vicious, but he knew it had to be asked. While you'd tried your hand at convincing him multiple times in the past few years that Dagur just needed a shove in the right direction – or a punch in the right direction as you'd given him many times before – Hiccup wasn't convinced that you'd be very easily swayed by Dagur's new character.

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