Chapter 27 - 'Loki-fest' or in other words, a wedding

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A week was left. One week before you were due to be wed and both Berk and Berserker Island were bustling and incredibly chaotic warfronts of planning and preparation for one of the biggest unions that had happened in centuries. You had barely gotten a moment of peace between being on Berserker Island and consorting with Dagur and many other helpers about how everything woukd looks and play out, being on Berk and doing the same thing just with your father – who had thankfully recovered extremely well – and brother, and being on Dragon's Edge, where you and the other dragon riders were preparing to house two whole tribes full of people.

"Imagine all the Loki's we can pull on everyone when they're together in one place. It'll be like a...a festival! A Loki festival! Loki-fest." Tuffnut exclaimed to Ruffnut as they both finished setting up one of the many, many temporary tents. You managed to overhear them and hid behind it to listen in on their conversation some more before jumping out from behind it and screaming "LOKI-FEST!!!" At the top of your lungs. Both twins screamed for a second before Tuffnut immediately pointed to you and exclaimed "See?? It would be so cool!" You laughed at the fact that he'd made you and example of what Loki-fest could be.

"We're just about done here, what do you think Y/N? Is it wedding ready?" Astrid asked you while slinging an arm around your shoulders and walking you away from The Twins who had now begun swinging the wooden mallets, they had at each other like fencing swords.

You smiled at her as you wove in between the various tents and back towards the ceremony site, various trees in a clearing on The Edge had been strung up with white fabric and flowers woven along their branches. You supressed a chuckle when you thought of how disgusted Dagur would have been by this set up when you were both younger.

His idea of a wedding a few years ago would have been you surrounded by weapons and armour-clad warriors from his tribe as you swore your entire body and soul to him with your hands tied together. Not that you weren't going to be doing that now, but the change in scenery and circumstance of your betrothal certainly lifted a few weights from your shoulders.

"Oh, it's definitely wedding ready. It looks amazing, I can't believe it only took us 2 days to set up with just the 7 of us!" You told her, taking in the soft breeze that came through the clearing and told you that Summer was most definitely in full swing.

"Well, we built the entire Edge in what, a week? We're a pretty crafty group aren't we?" Hiccup sprung out of nowhere, scaring the life out of you and Astrid. You were beginning to think that your brother was starting to steal your stealth tactics. "You can say that again..." You agreed, tilting your head up in an acknowledgement of Hiccup with a smile. It was hard to imagine that in just a few short days, you'd be married and moving away from both Dragon's Edge and Berk. Your heart sank at the thought of not being around all of your friends as much, but you still had Heather and Dagur, and you'd be able to easily visit them whenever you felt like it.

"Feeling nervous yet?" Hiccup asked you, poking you in the shoulder to snap you out of your deep state of thinking. You jumped slightly, not taking a moment to even think about your answer before nodding profusely. A laugh erupted from both Hiccup and Astrid as your face held a very nervous expression indeed, that soon changed to sightly irritate though. "Well fine you two, when you get married, I'll make sure to be all up in your faces about how nervous you are!" You joked back at them, getting just the result you wanted from it in the form of both of them flushing deeply and sputtering in their responses.

You cackled as they tried to explain that their wedding wouldn't be for a long while yet, revelling in flustering them and causing a little bit extra chaos before marriage locked you down.

"Ok, so the ceremony site is ready on The Edge, Stoick has Y/N'S Bridal tiara and the Ancestral Sword, we have ours, the chefs are headed over there now to start cooking the feast. So...essentially, it's almost time to start getting yourself and Y/N prepared. You ready?" Heather asked Dagur as he paced across the floor of his house. "YES!! I'VE BEEN READY SINCE-" He began with a yell of both excitement and impatience, seeing Heather give him an unimpressed look and lowering his voice. "Sorry, I've been ready for years. Let's go!!"

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