Chapter 4 - Blood is thicker than water

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...But the blood of the Covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. 

Just a heads up, after this chapter shit be getting real. I hope you're all prepared! 

It had been a few weeks since your last, rather dramatic, interaction with Dagur. When you arrived back on Dragon's Edge you were met an almost frantic Astrid as you almost fell off Ghostripper while trying to stop the flow of blood from your arm. Thankfully it had slowed in the hours flying back to The Edge but not by much, so you looked pretty ghostly.

After being nursed back to health by her...questionable cooking and first aid skills, you were back in good health and ready to face whatever challenge came your way. Including Dagur.

When your father heard what happened after you payed him a visit while a destructive wild dragon raged on The Edge, he definitely wasn't very happy that it had happened. He even threatened to keep you on Berk again for another few years before going into a nostalgic talk about his first major injury when he was around your age. He was clearly not that worried. Afterall, you were his daughter.

He took back his threats of keeping you on Berk once he bonded with the Rumblehorn that was trying to save you from a disaster approaching The Edge. He knew you needed freedom to grow into the Viking you were supposed to be. And also, he knew that if you were forced back onto Berk you'd wreak absolute havoc until he let you go back to the Great Beyond again.

Now, after Fishlegs and Hiccup had taken a rather...destructive trip to Dark Deep and learned more about the Gronkle's ancestral home, you all decided that it was time to return to Berk and collect some supplies that you wouldn't necessarily find elsewhere.

You were packing up some dried and fresh Boar meat for Ghostripper as well as a range of different sized acid bomb containers you'd made with Gobber.

"Ok, who did it?" You looked up from pushing the containers down into Ghostripper's satchel to see your father striding over, Gobber, Bucket and Mulch following behind him.

"Who did what now?" You asked, standing up and wiping your hands on the sides of your legs. Hiccup did a similar gesture as he stood next to Toothless.

"Who's been out destroying fishing boats again this morning? I have Witnesses!" Stoick asked sternly, gesturing to Bucket and Mulch who gave sheepish waves. You gave a small wave back with a sympathetic smile. Why whenever a boat was attacked, was either theirs or near them?

Hiccup went to open his mouth before your father cut him off, "And don't go trying to convince me that there's anyone else in the Archipelago who could pull this off!" He crossed his arms, waiting for someone to answer to the destruction.

You gave Hiccup a confused look, both shrugging your shoulders at each other.

"Kids, shrugging your shoulders is not an answer-"

"IT WAS ME CHIEF!!!" Tuffnut leaped forwards onto his knees, grovelling to the ground in front of Stoick as he 'confessed' to destroying the fishing boats. All you could really do was watch in awe as Tuffnut spun a tale of his behaviour being a result of needing professional help. It concerned you slightly, before Ruffnut layed his claims to rest by saying that her brother was with her all morning.

Your father growled, clearly having woken up on the wrong side of the bed and not in the mood to be dealing with the Twin's antics. "Dad, we've all been here together this morning, none of us could've done it." Hiccup reasoned, gesturing to the rest of your group who all nodded in agreement. As if your father actually thought that any of you would go out of your way to destroy a fishing boat! The Twins would maybe terrorise it by pretending to be a sea dragon or by dropping a few sheep onto it, but they'd never do anything that extreme!

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