Chapter 1 - Absence makes the heart fonder

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You heard the familiar noises of dragons and their riders swooping overhead and past your window as you sat up right in your bed. Ghostripper jolted awake as you woke up gasping from your dream, giving you a slightly annoyed but questioning look. You placed a hand on your chest, your heart thumping in your chest as you tried to recall the fading memories of your dream.

You'd been dreaming more and more about Dagur lately. Whether it was because it had been 3 years since the war with the Berserkers or just because you'd gone the longest without seeing him now since he'd been locked away, you didn't know. But the uneasy feeling it gave you thinking about it wouldn't leave as you got up and ready for the day.

"I know boy, I know. I'm alright though." You spoke gently to Ghostripper, stroking his scales affectionately as he stood on his back legs and nudged you with his nose.

As you walked out of the door to meet your father at the great hall. After successfully negotiating a new treaty with the Outcasts and remaining Berserkers after Dagur had been sent to prison, you'd begun training with your father and Alvin of all people to become the future ambassador of Berk for any new traders or tribes who decided to show themselves in the future.

It was a suitable role for you, especially considering you were the sister of the future Chief of Berk. A lot had changed in 3 years, Hiccup had grown up a considerable bit and was now very annoyingly taller than you rather than you are being of similar heights. You had of course grown as he had, which many Berkian women had commented on as it had happened, but you couldn't focus too much on that during your training.

The last time you went to see Dagur, almost a year ago on his birthday, he'd not been able to take his eyes off you through the cell doors as you were sat holding a small present out for him. It wasn't anything he could hope to break out with. It was a lock of your hair braided into a bracelet.

You'd forgotten just how wide his smile could get when he was excited about something.

Taking your mind off Dagur, you debated asking your father if you could go to check on the Outcast prison. After the dream you had, you didn't want to leave anything up to chance, even if you were called crazy for thinking a dream could actually become true.

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind me being late to check on the most dangerous prisoner in the Archipelago, right?" You asked Ghostripper with a cheeky smile. He responded with a small bound towards you, turning his saddle so you were able to get on. It had been a while since you'd been able to fly with him.

You gave a laugh at his enthusiasm, giving a quick wave to Astrid as you mounted him.

"Where are you off to?" She called to you, landing on Stormfly as you prepared Ghostripper to set off.

"I need to check something near Outcast Prison, can you cover for me? It'll only take like, an hour or so." You asked her as she dismounted and walked over to Ghostripper, giving him an affectionate pat on the head.

"Why, has something happened?" Astrid asked you, giving you a suspicious look.

You shook your head with a small laugh, "No, no. I just have a feeling that I should check it out, you know? I'll be fine by myself!"

She squinted her eyes at you before shaking her head, smiling at you, and motioning for you to take to the skies. "You owe me!" She called after you as Ghostripper hovered.

"Call it even at a new axe?" You replied, receiving a laugh and a thumbs up as she turned from you and made her way towards the Great Hall. Looks like your training was paying off.

You scanned the ocean below you as you left Berk's shores to head towards Outcast Prison. Something distinctive caught you off guard. The very familiar screams of Bucket and Mulch. They hadn't exactly changed much when it came to seeing something that looked a little too out of the ordinary. Spotting their ship, Ghostripper dived straight for it as their shouts got louder.

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