Chapter 26 - The king of Dragons

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Anyway have fun lol

"The King of Dragons is a Titan Wing Dramillion?"

All Dragon Riders were stood looking at the bright illuminated mural on the wall opposite the Dragon Eye 2. The illustrations clearly showed a Dramillion, and a large on at that, curled up in the centre. You found it hard to believe that the King of all Dragon kind was a species you already knew. I mean you all knew that Titan Wing Dragons were larger than the regular members of their species, but to match the Skull on Vanaheim it would have to be absolutely huge. Just how big could Titan Wings get??

Questions for later, because for now you had a visitor. Spitelout.

"Oh gods, what's he doing here?" You breathed, not particularly thrilled about having Snotlout's father on The Edge and clearly he wasn't either judging from how he looked completely done with the situation before Spitelout even spoke.

"Dad..." Hiccup murmered to himself prompting you to feel a stiff chill ride up your spine as you rushed forwards with him to see if that was indeed why Spitelout had come.

"Hiccup, Y/N. It's the Chief, I'm afraid." Noticing a flare of stiffness in your stance as if bracing yourself for the worst, Spitelout held up his hands, reassuring you that he was alive but not doing so well. "Gothi is trying her hardest, but I'm sorry kids...she's not hopeful." He apologised to both of you in the sincerest way you'd seen him act in your entire life. It almost brought you to tears because something bad must be happening if Spitelout was this seriously upset.

"The Elders called a council meeting and-" Your jaw dropped as Spitelout continued, facing Hiccup solely as he began breaking the inevitable news. Your brother interrupted him for a second, holding a hand out and shutting his eyes as his breathing faltered. You braced his arm with a firm grip as Spitelout took both of his shoulders and confirmed his worst fears to be true, he was now the acting Chief of Berk and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Hiccup...I don't mean to be insensitive but-" Fishlegs began just as you and your brother turned to face him. "I know, Fishlegs. We need to get to the King of Dragons before Johan and his men do." Spitelout got Hiccup in a slight headlock and told him very, very sternly that the only place he'd be going was Berk. "I'll go with you to Berk, and then I'll head to Berserker Island so Heather and Dagur know what's going on. They need to be ready if anything kicks off." You explained, earning an approving nod from Spitelout and sending back a harsh glare.

As you packed up everything you could need from your hut, Shocker trilled in the doorway. She stood in the very same spot she'd crash landed in on that dark and stormy night just about a year ago when you'd taken her in and nursed her back to health. Once again, you couldn't help but reminisce on how much things had changed in the past year, or even 2 years. You were on the way to finding the King of Dragons, a creature so fearsome it was rumoured to control other Dragons with its mind! There was no way it was a Titan Wing Dramillion, it just couldn't be. Dramillions didn't have a power like that, fair enough they could copy the flames of other dragons, but that didn't even come close to mind control.

"Ok girl, ready?" You asked her, attaching the satchel of belongings onto Shocker's saddle as she nuzzled your cheek against her nose. She gave a few huffing sniffs of you as an approval that yes, she was ready to go, before turning so you could mount her and head down to the stables to meet the others. "Hey, where are Hiccup and Astrid?" You asked suspiciously when you arrived amongst the other riders.

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