Chapter 15 - Struck gold

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Here it is! The chapter you have all been waiting for!! THE SMUT CHAPTER!!!

Now not all of the chapter is smut, but the section that is will be in bold so you can skip past it if you're uncomfortable reading that sort of material! 

Thank you everyone for being so patient with my hiatus! I'm hoping to keep up with writing chapters but as I've got a new job now writing is going a bit slow hahaha.

Love y'all! 

- Otaku-chanxoxo

"Ah, Y/N! Fishlegs! Over here!"

Your stroll through the Northern Markets was interrupted by the voice of your favourite trader, Davin. Yourself and Fishlegs gave him small waves as you approached. He leaned against the front side of his stall, "Heard there was quite the commotion a few weeks ago with some Dragon Riders and one certain red-headed vagrant!" He chuckled to himself as you flushed. Fishlegs cringed slightly, of course you'd told him about Dagur's surviving the Shipyard and promising to come back for both you and Heather. But just because Astrid and the Twins had been glad that the love of your life was alive and well didn't mean that he was.

True, he'd helped Dagur train a Gronckle very well. Dagur was probably one of his best students yet if he was completely honest. But the Heather situation was what bugged him the most. If Dagur came back for her, would she leave with him, or would he join the Dragon Riders? He didn't particularly want that either, because not only would he have your full attention, but he'd also have Heather's.

Fishless was snapped out of his train of thought by you laughing with Trader Davin.

"Honestly, you should've seen him! I've never seen Dagur beg like that before!" You cackled, wiping a tear from your eye as you recounted the recent encounter Davin had previously mentioned. "Well, I'm glad he's at least calmed down from his past...unhinged-ness should we say? That being said, I'd keep an eye out for any suspicious characters at the moment. More and more strange people are coming to the Markets and buying up all the stock they can get. Something big is coming."

Trader Davin's warning sent a small chill up your spine as well as Fishlegs'. Both of you looked at each other in concern. It wasn't any secret that Viggo and Ryker were planning something, what with the emergence of a new underwater dragon that had the ability to create whirlpools and pull in nearby dragons and ships, you didn't doubt that something big was indeed coming.

It wasn't exactly helped by the fact that after having to let Dagur go again, and then very nearly losing your brother while trying to free said underwater dragon, you'd gone a little crazy over the Midnight Sun. In fact, it was as if you'd been high the entire time. Astrid seemed to like it, but then again, you'd never seen her so affectionate as she had been while sleep deprived.

"Well, we'd better head back and see how the others are doing. Thank you, Trader Davin. You've been as helpful as always." You grinned, giving him a firm handshake and wave as you and Fishlegs headed back to where Meatlug and Shocker were hidden.

"Hey Y/N?" Fishlegs asked as the two of you neared The Edge.

Lost in thought, you jumped a little before looking over to him. "Yeah?" You answered quickly. You had absolutely not been thinking about Dagur, no way.

"Did we always have another Gronckle on The Edge?" Fishlegs asked, pointing towards the Clubhouse where a green, boulder like tail was only just visible. Instantly recognising it as Shattermaster's tail, your mouth hung agape for a second while the information processed in your brain. Then, you gave a shriek and Shocker barrelled towards the Stables. She landed harshly, shaking her head, and growling while you patted her head and apologised. With a trill and small snort, she was content again and stalked off to her stable for some sleep. Fishlegs and Meatlug landed to see the back end of you sprinting up 2 stairs at a time towards the Clubhouse.

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