Chapter 7 - Recovery

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Welcome back to How to Make your readers suffer, with your host, Otaku-Chanxoxo.

So incase anyone gets confused, the segments in this chapter including Dagur and Heather are supposed to take place straight after the battle at The Edge. I wasn't sure if any of you would get confused about it but yeah.

Also how do we like the chapter summaries including memes now? :) I may go back and add some to Betrothed too hehe.

Dagur and Ryker returned to their base camp, Dragon Hunters stumbling off their smoking and half melted ships while groaning about the annoying persistence of the Dragon Riders. Heather watched as her brother disembarked from his boat. Instead of striding up to her like he usually would, he didn't look up from the floor and continued to walk towards his tent.

"What was that all about?" Heather asked Ryker, who just scoffed at Dagur's behaviours and swung his sword to rest over his shoulder.

"He's sulking because I got to that Changewing and its rider before he could." He gave a proud smirk and began to walk away. Heather felt her stomach drop.

"What do you mean you got to the Changewing and its rider? They're...dead...?" She tried to not let her voice wobble. Surely if you'd even been seriously injured Dagur would be acting more angry than anything and not so quiet. Ryker let out a disappointed grunt as Heather followed him, determined to know of your fate.

"The girl lives to see another day, the dragon not so much." He gave one last gruff laugh at his recent kill before walking into his own tent. Heather stood and stared in horror at the closed tent flap. Your dragon, Ghostripper had been...killed?

She swallowed the feeling at the back of her throat as tears threatened to spill, clearing her throat, and pulling her hood up as she walked over to her own tent with Windshear quickly following her. When she managed to make it inside, she dropped to the ground, letting out a soft breath as she cried for you and your lost dragon.

She would feel angry later, and do all she could to take down the Dragon Hunters from the inside after she let the grief pass. But for now, she'd just cry.

For the next few weeks, you were very much the same. At first, you were so distraught about Ghostripper's death that you forgot about your own injuries that were scattered around your body from the sea of arrows that had barraged you. You kept trying to deny that it had happened, trying to convince yourself that it had all just been a dream as a result from the loss of blood. That Ghostripper was right next to you, covered in bandages and recovering with you.

But he wasn't.

After that, you'd spend most of your time in your hut refusing to move out of bed. Everything you did reminded you of Ghostripper, brushing your hair, getting dressed, eating and even just sitting up in bed all reminded you of different times Ghostripper had been around you or curled up near you.

You'd debated going back to Berk, Hiccup and the others mentioning it too. But the thought of flying back there and having to look your father in the eye and tell him what happened made you feel like you were about to throw up what little food you'd managed to eat.

Thankfully, when your father did arrive after Hiccup sent him a Terror Mail telling him in more elegant terms to 'Get the HELL over to The Edge NOW. SOMETHING BAD HAS HAPPENED' He was briefed on the situation by your brother and Astrid, who told him to be gentle with you about it.

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