Chapter 10 - Turning tides

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The morning started off as it usually did; with you only managing one bite of your breakfast before having to run out and face the Dragon Hunters again. Your first official mission with Shocker was like a blast from the past as she swooped and rolled to avoid arrows. The flying training with the new saddle you'd made her was paying off perfectly.

Admittedly, she'd be able to use a lot more fire power if there was a storm nearby. But still, being a Skrill her internal body heat was nice and hot and ready to blast the Dragon Hunters all she wanted. Truly, you were both getting some closure today.

"Ok, Shocker, how about we free those dragons!" You called to her, hearing a roar in reply as you plummeted towards the ship. Shocker let loose her lightning that ripped through the wooden door leading to the dragon cells and shot into the hold. She ran through as you pulled on each of the chains to open the cages and before you knew it, you were back in the skies with a good 10 or so freed dragons.

"Yeah! Look at you guys go!" Hiccup shouted, barrel rolling with Toothless over the top of yourself and Shocker to give you a high five. You laughed, patting Shocker as she gave a prideful snarl and flew out of the way of some approaching arrows.

You heard Dagur shouting, only now noticing that he was on the same ship you'd just been inside.

"Capture mission??" You called to Hiccup, gesturing to him as he shouted at Ryker.

"Since when was this a dire situation? We've got this!" Your brother replied, amused that you were now probably going to be asking to make every mission a 'capture Dagur' mission.

You gave a groan and backflipped over a net launching towards you before seeing Heather and Astrid in a stare off. Stormfly sent a spineshot towards Windshear, who crash landed on the deck in front of Ryker and Dagur. You winced, sucking in a gasp through your teeth before retreating with everyone else.

"Think she'll be ok?" You asked Astrid, who looked incredibly guilty about having to shoot your friend down. "She should be fine, we only fired the one spine shot!" She answered you, looking back to check. You did too, sure enough, Heather was safe on board of the Dragon Hunter vessel.

Dagur was also there, staring up at you before turning back to Ryker and his sister. You didn't have a good feeling about that.

"We have to get Heather out of there, if I hadn't reacted her cover would've been blown!" Astrid insisted to both you and your brother. You agreed with her, everything about this situation was giving you a bad feeling. Plus, it might help with any future capture Dagur missions!

"Well, I wanted to weeks ago, but someone stopped me!" Hiccup instantly fired back at her. He had a good point, even when you'd first learned about Heather being secretly on your side Hiccup had insisted on trying to pull her out.

"That was different!"

"Different how, exactly?"

"It's way too dangerous, I mean this has gotten crazy, Hiccup! And she hasn't even met this Viggo character either." Both of them were on the verge of getting into a very heated debate before you stepped in.

"I have to agree, Hiccup. Back in that fight I had some seriously bad vibes coming off Ryker and the rest of the crew. They know something we don't, I can feel it." You added, trying to take some of the heat off Astrid for her opinion.

"Exactly! If we take this Viggo Grimborn character down with help from the inside, the entire operation will be without a leader and collapse." Hiccup explained, curiously optimistic about leaving Heather secretly in the Dragon Hunters. You didn't like the risks you were all having to take when fighting her though.

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