Chapter 31

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I hugged Ross as tight as I could. I didn't want to let go. Ever.

A few days ago, Ross told me he was going to war. Or as I should say, the army.

A tear tickled down my face. Raini was in Rydel's arms, bawling her eyes out. I didn't dare pull away. This may be my last hug from Ross. Forever. Ross pulled away from the hug and looked me dead in the eyes. Then he kissed me. I couldn't let him do it. I just couldn't.

"Let's go Ross! Sargent wants us back in 3 hours!" A 32 year old guy named Michael yelled from the back of the truck. Ross kissed Raini and me one last time before beginning to climb into the back of the truck. I grabbed the back of his army suit and wouldn't let go. "Amanda!" He yelled at me. I jumped back. Ross never yelled at me like this. He didn't say another goodbye. He just turned around and left. I waved goodbye and I swore I could see a tear falling out of his eye.

My eyes were puffy and red from crying. I couldn't take it. Ross had been gone for like a minute and I already missed him like crazy.

I grabbed Raini from Rydel's arms and stormed inside. I was kinda mad at Ross for not even saying one last goodbye for probably, eight years.

I put Raini in her crib and walked right to the computer. I sat down and search houses for sale. I soon found the perfect one. A beige house, black shutters, and black shingles. It was only one story so at least I didn't have to go up and down the stairs. I called the number and made and appointment to meet with the seller the next day. I'm moving out.

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