Chapter Twenty Three

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It had taken a while for Dean to come around on the home purchase but eventually he did. There was just something about that house that called out to my spirit. The minute we had walked into the compound I felt a sense of peace surround me. I could see Dean and I living there together, raising our kids in that house, the kids being dropped off by the school bus at the end of everyday and us hosting barbecue parties in the backyard. It was all I'd ever dreamed off in a home and I had found it. I was aware that Dean didn't see it yet but I'd just found us our forever home.

"Congratulations you are now homeowners." Miriam said giving me the house keys as we signed the final ownership agreements.

It had been a tiresome process moving from government office to office but finally it was done. I could now proudly say that Dean and I owned a home together.

It was all in Dean's name but I trusted him thus why I was not afraid of placing our future in his hands.

"Thank you so much."I beamed unable to keep the smile off my face.

"Jomo and Wangeci's salary has been paid for the next six months so you don't have to worry about that. It was my parting gift to them."Miriam informed us.

"That's very thoughtful of you."I replied.

Even without that clause in the contract I still would have kept Jomo and Wangeci as my staff. It would be cruel to fire them especially when they had been working at the house for so many years.

"When will you be moving in?"Miriam asked.

She was flying to Canada in two days since the renovations were done and she had finished tying up all her loose ends in Kenya.

"As soon as possible but we still have some things to take care of first."I replied.

"That's okay, the house is now yours to do as you please, take care of it and each other."Miriam expressed.

"We will."I assured her.

"Take extra care of this one, she's a special one." Miriam said to Dean who was always quiet during the house dealings and negotiations.

"I will, I promise."Dean replied his words full of conviction.

Miriam hugged us goodbye and gave us a copy of the final contract before we left the house. The fact that it was fully furnished made things easier for me though there were a few things I would change once we moved in.

"Please tell me that you're happy about this?"I begged Dean as we drove out of the gated community.

We didn't need a guard for our gate because it was a well guarded community but if we did need one for extra security, the company in charge of the estate was willing to provide one at an extra fee. I didn't think it was necessary and neither did Dean so maybe it's something we would consider in the future.

"I am happy that you found a home you loved, that we could afford. It's still too big if you ask me but if you're happy then I'm happy for you."Dean replied with carefully measured words.

"I'll take it."I replied with a smile.

I was now a homeowner in Kenya.

Legally it said that Dean was the owner but we both knew I was the boss who called all the shots. If it were up to Dean a one bedroom rental apartment would have sufficed but I was looking at the big picture and not just a short term fix.

Dean wanted me to move out to find my independence but now we were moving in together into my dream home to start the rest of our lives together. We were going to be happy there, I believed it.

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