Chapter Twelve

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The shrill ringing of a phone cut through the beautiful dream I was having chasing River through a field of sunflowers. Her smile rivaled the brightness of the sun and her skin was as smooth as the flower petals all around us. The annoying ringtone cut off and I sighed ready to go back to sleep only for it to start all over again. Whose phone was that because it sure as hell wasn't mine?

"D that's your phone."A sleepy feminine voice mumbled next to me.

I blinked my eyes open to be met with the naked body of Effie lying next to me. The phone kept ringing and now that I was half awake I was able to recognize the ringtone of my new iPhone. I still needed to get used to owning such an expensive device.

I got out of bed to find my pants using the light from the bulb in the corridor. I found them by the door where I'd discarded them in the throes of list earlier that evening. I retrieved the annoying device ready to tear whoever was calling me a new one.

"Dishan it's three am in the fucking morning. You had better not be calling me to come pick you up."I demanded.

Dishan had called me a couple of times in the past to pick him up from the club when he was too drunk to drive. I always did out of respect for our friendship but after hiking all day with River followed by a couple of hours of vigorous sex with Effie, all I wanted to do was sleep.

"River was attacked."He replied those three words freezing the blood in my veins.

"What did you just say?"I gritted out.

"She's at Aga Khan hospital. I think you'd better come."Dishan replied and hang up without giving me any more details.

River had been attacked? How? When? Where?

"Fuck."I cussed in anger.

"D, what's wrong?"Effie asked me getting up from the bed, her nipples perking up with the cold.

"I need to go."I replied frantically pulling on my boxers and pants.

I slid on my shoes, grabbed my shirt and car keys unlocking the door quickly. The woman had too many licks on her door. Normally I would have approved of that but they were delaying me. For all I knew River could be dying.

"It's three in the morning, come back to bed."Eddie requested.

Go back to bed when River was hurt? Hell no!

"Thanks for tonight, I'll see you around."I rushed out.

With that I ran out the door foregoing closing it. I put on my shirt as I flew down the stairs jumping into the car as soon as I got to the parking lot. It took forever for the guard to open the gate but my timing was distorted from fear so it probably only took him a couple of minutes. I peeled out of the compound driving out of there like a mad man. There were no cars on the road seeing as it was three am in the morning so I drove at the maximum speed of a hundred and ten only slowing down for bumps.

The drive from Utawala to Parklands was roughly about thirty minutes without traffic but I got there in fifteen. I had narrowly escaped death a few times but I got there in one piece. The guard at the gate allowed me in and showed me where to park. The hospital was deserted at that time of night except for the night staff so it was easy to spot Dishan waiting for me next to the nurses station.

"Did you fly?"He asked as soon as he saw me.

"I wish? Where is she? What happened?"I asked bracing myself for the worst.

Rugged had to be okay. She just had to be or someone would be paying with their blood at the end of the night.

"Nobody knows. She arrived at the hotel lobby at one and passed out in Felista's arms. They called me and we brought her here."He explained.

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