Chapter Fifteen

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I brushed my hair to get all the knots out as I stared at my reflection on the mirror in Dean's room. All my scars were starting to heal and my skin was turning back to its natural pale color gradually. My nose was taking its sweet time but at least I didn't suffer excruciating pain anymore when I moved my facial muscles. Something as simple as yawning had been beyond painful.

I owed my fast recovery to Dean who had been a devoted self proclaimed nurse to me. He had been taking care of me for the past fortnight after opening the doors of his home to me. I had expected that living together in his small space would be quite the adjustment but it had proved to be rather nice. I spent most of my days alone, eating, watching TV and sleeping while Dean worked.

The poor guy wasn't used to sitting around so when he had asked my permission to use the Land Rover as an uber, I couldn't refuse him because I knew he would take care of it. Him working didn't stop Dean from dotting over me with treats at the end of the day, cooking my favorite meals and doing all the house chores. He didn't let me lift a finger in the house and I felt like a spoilt princess which I was but in this case it was in a good way.

I owed Dean immense gratitude for taking care of me without any complaints. The poor man even subjected himself to sleeping on the couch which definitely wasn't easy considering his height and massive size. He never complained, not even once and for that I would always be grateful to him. As soon as I got better I would find a way to make it all up to him.

"Now let's do my face."I sighed dreading the task awaiting me as I put my hair up in a ponytail.

Hiding my bruises was not as easy as Dean had put it out to be. Yes I was good with make up, courtesy of Demi and YouTube tutorials but that didn't make me a pro. With that said I did my best and managed to hide my broken nose perfectly. The doctor had reset it and it was healing up quite nicely. My ribs were also getting better and I was breathing easier. I didn't need my pain medication to cope anymore.

I glanced at myself one last time in the mirror and was happy with the results. All those grueling hours watching Demi do her make up finally paid off. I missed my best friend. It had been a month since we last spoke which felt like a lifetime without talking to her. She had made it clear that I was not to call her again but it had been a whole month. Things should have cooled down back home right? I decided to go for it and call Demi so I logged into my old Instagram account to check if she was online. As always she was but it took her a while to accept my call.

Dean was out dealing with some personal business so he would be away for a while. I did not want him eavesdropping on my conversation with Demi.

"Bestieee!!"She yelled into the phone once the call connected.

"You took forever, I thought you had blocked me or something."

"Nah I'm at your house. My dad has a meeting with Mr Anderson aka your dad and he dragged me along."She replied and only then did I recognize my old room.

Oh how I missed my luxurious bathroom but besides that everything else at Dean's place was great. I especially loved his big bed.

"How are you? I've missed you."I asked.

"I've missed you more girl. Why are you wearing make up?"She asked narrowing her ever keen eyes at me.

I couldn't tell her about my accident, it would cause her unnecessary worry.

"I'm going out for the day and thought I'd look good with make up."I replied honestly.

I did not lie, I just didn't tell her the whole truth.

WARIDI ✔️ जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें