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Season 2 episode 14
"The fair folk"

     When Ronnie woke up in the morning Jace wasn't beside her

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     When Ronnie woke up in the morning Jace wasn't beside her. Jace had come back from getting the tracker out of Maia and found himself in his fiancés room. The pair spending all night doing what we all know they were doing.

Ronnie sat up keeping the sheet close to her chest because well her brother was rummaging through her things. "Thomas."

Tommy tensed and turned around with a cheeky smile. "Veronica."

"What are you doing?" Ronnie rose a brow. "Get me some clothes while your here."

Tommy nodded and walked to her closet. "Well, i had a dream. And in this dream there was this book that i remember you used to have as a kid. It came from Jocelyn. Now i dont know why im dreaming about a book because well books are stupid. But i figure it's important and i should probably find said book." He threw some clothes at her and turned around as Ronnie stood up to get dressed.

"Do you remember the title of the book?" Ronnie slid on her pair or skinny jeans.

Tommy shook his head. "No, but if i saw it i would know it."

As Ronnie slid her jacket on Jace walked into the room. "Just the two i was looking for." He smiled at Ronnie. "Come on, Alec's making an announcement." Jace held out his hand for Ronnie took grab. Once she did the trio walked to where the crowd was. Seeing Alec standing in front of everyone.

"We have lost seven of our own, but we cant allow a single, radical Seelie to define the entire Downworld, anymore then we can allow Valentine to define all shadowhunters. So to restore unity with our allies, I wil be hosting regular cabinet meetings here with the Downworld leaders of New York."

"I'm all for unity. But does he have to bring them here?" A shadowhunter Ronnie didnt know the name of told her friend as Alec kept speaking.

"What do you expect?" One guy said.

"Still can't believe Alec Lightwoods in charge. Especially when the future queen resides here too." The same girl said.

Ronnie rolled her eyes.

"Just wait. In a week, it'll be someone else."

Just as Izzy was about to say something Ronnie cut in. "Just wait, in a week, someone else will have your job if you keep talking." They both looked at her wide eyed. "And you wanna know where you'll be? Getting deruned and living a mundane life. Its not as fun as when its you, is it?" She smiled at them kindly before turning back to look at Alec.

"Please, lets make the downworlders feel welcome." Alec finished. He walked down the steps as everyone walked away meeting Jace in the middle. Everyone walking up to the pair.

"Look at you. In charge for a week, you're already shaking things up. I think this Cabinet thing is a good idea." Jace nodded.

"Yeah, im not sure everyone agrees." Alec looked at the blonde.

Ronnie nodded. "They dont. But hey, i got your back. Anyone who says anything i threaten. Its actually a lot of fun." Jace laughed and wrapped his arm around her. "What can we do?"

"Actually i need you and Jace on a mission. Your going to the Seelie court. The queen wants to talk to you. Queen to queen. But im not letting you go alone." Alec looked between the couple. Ronnie nodded. "I requested an audience to discuss Kealies crimes but she said she'll only talk to you."

"So you're thinking the Seelie queen is responsible for Kealies attacks?" Clary asked from where she was standing next to Izzy.

"Thats what i want to know." Alec nodded.

"It would make sense. Those murders weren't exactly Kaelies style." Jace told them.

Ronnie rose her brow. "How did you know Kaelie?"

Jace's eyes widened as Alec immediately looked away. "Um, book club."

"You read?" Ronnie asked with smile.

"Sometimes." Jace shrugged sheepishly.

"Yeah and uh what kind of books do you read there bucko?" Tommy asked as Alec wouldnt make eye contact with anyone.

"It was way before we met you guys okay! Like months before." Jace finally fessed up.

Ronnie only laughed. Izzy nodded. "Ever since we met you Jace has been wrapped around Ronnie's finger."

Alec smiles. "Okay focus. We need to find out if shes complicit, an entire faction could be turning against us."

"That shouldnt be to hard right?" Clary looked between everyone. "Seelies cant lie."

"Technically yes, but after hundreds of years of practice, they can expertly manipulate the truth and the queens is the master." Jace explained.

"She's very dangerous, the entire realm is." Izzy looked at Tommy. "More then one shadowhunter hasnt made it back."

Ronnie sighed. She knew Tommy was worried but he had to trust her and Jace. "Well, i guess its a good thing we're prepared." She nodded at Jace who only looked concerned. "Guys, its gonna be fine. Now stop looking at me like im gonna die."

"I was not!" Tommy defended.

Ella speaks!

You guys arent ready for what i have planned, like yall are gonna hate me. The next chapters are gonna be wild so get ready and grab your popcorn. Love ya!

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