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Season 2 episode 11
"Mea Maxima Culpa"

"I thought Izzy had the flu, why would she leave the institue?" Clary asked

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"I thought Izzy had the flu, why would she leave the institue?" Clary asked.

"I dont know, but if hes hurt he..."

"She could have escaped. We dont even know if he has her." Jace told his parabatai.

Jace, Ronnie, Alec, and Clary all stood around a screen watching as this guy named Azazel popped up. He was who they were currently blaming for the murders.

"She hasnt called." Alec looked at them.

"And she's not answering." Ronnie added as she set her phone down.

"But she's still alive, i know it. It's just hes got her." Alec finished

"What does he want?" Clary asked.

"I dont know, but we should inform the inquisitor, ok?" Jace leaned against the table.

"But she's in a meeting with the Alicanta Council." Ronnie shook her head.

Alex sighed. "I don't understand. Why Izzy? What does a Greater Demon want with her?"
Ronnie furrowed her brows.

"I'm not sure, I think i know who we could ask." Jace shared a look with Clary.


"I have no idea what you're talking about..." Valentine smiled at Veronica. "But its so nice to see the both of you. The future queen and my son."

"Azazel wouldnt leave Duduael on his own. Someone broke him out. Someone with acces to the mortal cup." Ronnie looked at her uncle.

"Circle Members. They released the Greater Demon to break you out of here."

"I thought i raised you to have common sense." Valentine looked at Jace. "If the Greater Demon wanted to free me, how would I still be here having this inane conversation with you two? I want to banish demon filth from our realm." Valentine leaned forward towards Jace.

Ronnie took a step closer to Jace. "Ifs thats true, then tell your followers to give back the cup. We can force Azazel to give us Izzy."

Valentine shook his head. "I dont know where the Mortal Cup is darling."

Jace stepped towards him. "If you're lying, so help the angel."

"If you were smart. Jace you'd use me as bait. The only way to control a Greater Demon is with the mortal cup." Valentine looked between the couple. "Azazel would do anything to destroy it. So summon him with your warlock friend and tell him i have the cup. Offer him a trade. Me for Isabelle."

"If Clary could use her sun rune it would work." Ronnie sighed.

"This is a trap. What could possibly make you think that we could trust him?" Jace argued.

"Im not sure i would trust me either if i were you, but the longer Azazel has Isabelle the greater the chance she dies." Valentine cuts in.

"Jace theres no choice here." Ronnie walked up to him. She turned her head to look at Valentine. "Your life is on the line, for your sake, this better not be a trap."

"I would never do anything to hurt you Veronica. Your my niece."

"Clary's your daughter, you hurt her." Jace snaps. He didnt like that Valentine was softening Ronnie up.

Valentine nodded. "Yes but, Veronica holds something more important to me. She has more potential then anyone else in our stupid family."

"What are you talking about?" Ronnie furrowed her brows.

"At the end of the day you become queen. And the moment you get pregnant, your powers will grow even more. Like i said, you'll make a great mother." Valentine watched as Jace grabbed Ronnies hand and squeezed it.

Ronnie inhaled. "Your chance is over, you talked to much." She shook her head before walking away. Jace following right after her with their hands still connected.

When they got in the elevator Jace clicked the button that lead them to the roof. Ronnie didn't question it, whatever he did she would follow.

When the doors opened Jace walked towards the edge leaving Ronnie closer to the elevator. The blonde didnt say a word, he just leaned against the edge.

"Jace?" Ronnie took a step closer to him. She knew something was off. As she got closer and closer she could hear him sniffle. "Jace."

He turned around to look at her. He had tears streaming down his face. Ronnie wrapped her arms around him and let Jace cry into her shoulder.

Ella speaks!
What a way to end the chapter :)
Yall love me i just know it. So what do you think so far? Im not sure im gonna keep this chapter the way it is cause i wanna rewrite it but im not sure. I really wanna make a new cover for this book, but i absolutely suck at editing so it probably wont happen :)

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